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Break From Toronto by PARTYNEXTDOOR

Glendale, AZ
Sunday January 18th
Kaia Calais Alistair | Saviour

"Oh my fucking god Lina you scared the shit out of me!" A random knocking at 3am in the morning had woken Kaia up at the door, she immediately grabbed her glock 43 and made her way to the front door. Gun in one hand phone in the other, brother on speed dial.

Adelina's makeup was severely ruined and her hair was a mess, bags sat underneath her eyes and her mascara was running down her cheeks.

"You scared the fuck out of me, what's going on baby? Come in." Kaia dropped her iPhone and glock onto the settee as she walked a hysterical Adelina to her bedroom.

"T-they're such fake friends," she said as tears ran down her face, sobs racked her body and Kaia drew circles on her back to try and calm
her down.

"Explain what they did for me Lina."

Lina grabbed a nearby white pillow that had the quote 'beautiful things don't ask for attention' on it. She wiped at her face and the brand new pillow now had tears and mascara on it, Kaia bit back any insults and beckoned the girl to tell her what was wrong.

"A-at the club, like four hours ago. We were all drinking, partying, having fun. Everything was going fine and th-then this man came. He was with his friend a-and Acacia thought he was attractive. She said she was going to talk to him and before I could stop her because she was wasted at this point, she'd run off. His friend went to the bar as she approached and she was stumbling all over the place. She looked like a fucking mess and I wanted to go and get her but Addison and Adrienne coaxed me out of it."

"So they're talking or whatever then he takes her back to his booth and he's touching all over her, practically groping her and she's drunk and they won't let me go over there." The more Adelina thought about it the more she wanted to cry, "they was like 'she's been stressed because of work let her relax' she's about to get fucking raped, what is relaxing about that!"

"You do not fuck a drunk person ever, under no circumstances is that okay. He could tell she was off it, he had to literally carry her to the booth and he carried her out of the club."

"You went to Hezekiah's club right?" Adelina nodded as she wiped her face on the pillow, "do you have her location?"

"No, the stupid bitch turned it off before we entered the club."

"No problem don't worry, Hezekiah literally has CCTV cameras in every corner and section of his club, we can get pictures of the man and we can get a picture of his license plate."

"That doesn't matter Kay, the damage would've already been done."

"I understand that Addy and as much as you view it as rape and having sex with a drunk person is 100% just that however we both know Acacia does not view it the same way, I do not want to use the term she wanted it because that's disgusting however we both know she probably enjoyed it and started it."

"It doesn't matter she's drunk."

"I get that I do but you need to calm down Addy, you've worked yourself all up."

"Yeah but they didn't even care, they let her leave. She was drunk and could barely walk and she didnt even take her purse with her."

"Do you have it on you?"

"No I left it back at the club, I was so angry I literally stormed out of there to go and get there I wasn't about to let my bestfriend leave with some fucking stranger Kaia."

"I know that I understand that, c'mon let's go and get you in the bath. Clean your face and I'll leave some pyjamas out for you, this bed is big enough for the both of us."

"I'm sorry for coming in at 3am in the morning you and worrying you and waking you up." Adelina said regretfully as she pitied herself.

"Don't apologise, Addy. I'm happy you came to me, now get in the bathroom right next to my room and I'll bring you some pyjamas shortly."

"I can't believe she could be so reckless." Adelina said standing to her feet with some help of Kaia as she lead her to the bathroom.

"Maybe she has just had a really stressful time at work although that is no excuse and things could've been handled much differently, sometimes people just never change."

Adelina didn't respond as they entered the bathroom, Kaia sat her on the toilet seat and opened the cabinets to get out some makeup wipes and items to clean her face.

"Have you been drinking?" Kaia turned her head as Adelina nodded, "drinking and driving isn't good."

"I only had a couple shots of tequila I'm not a lightweight anymore."

"It doesn't matter if you had a sip of fucking brandy, Adelina. That is dangerous, imagine you didn't manage to get here and instead you ended up in some tree Adelina?"

"I-I wasn't worried about that, Acacia was my main focus. Bumping into a tree is not as important as making sure my friend isn't raped."

"And what happens when you're dead, Adelina? It's alright, right? Imagine if the tables were reversed, do you think Acacia would be driving around the whole of Arizona drunk to find you?" Adelina didn't know how or what to reply with. She didn't think Acacia would though, Acacia and Adelina's bond had definitely broken off over the years. They weren't the same bestfriends they were at the age of thirteen. However that's expected, sometimes friendships just die out. Adelina just never expected that to be her friendship, she thought they were stronger than that. Obviously not though since nowadays Acacia is more focused on who's man she's going to fuck tonight instead of her bestfriend who just wants to spend time with her. For once.

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