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Doves In The Wind — SZA (ft. Kendrick Lamar)

Glendale, AZ
Sunday May 11th
Samir Cadaver | sage

"Work is such a bitch." Kaia announced as she sipped on her iced tea as one of Adelina's workers dished everybody out their drinks.

"Thank you Cole." Adelina said making the waiter smile as he left to take orders from a table that'd just entered.

"Your waiters are so hot." Addison confessed biting his bottom lip as he stared at Cole's bum as he walked away.

"Can you not do that shit right now?" Everybody turned to look at Soavi like he'd lost his mind.

"You can get up and exit if you're going to start your shit Soavi, on god." Adrienne gestured to the door, she didn't play about her brother.

"What sis said." Kaia repeated as she chewed on her straw.

"Whatever, you just ain't gotta bring that gay shit around us. I told you about that shit." Soavi sat back into the booth as his face held a disgusted scowl.

"First of all who the fuck are you mister man?" Adrienne questioned as Addison remained quiet.

"Nigga you can leave didn't nobody ask you to be here." Acacia added as she blew bubbles into her coke.

"Whatever." Soavi slid out of the booth and left, not looking back once.

"Why do we still hang out with that nigga?" Gianni asked watching his retreating figure.

"Because Adelina's fucking him and doesn't want to let him go." Acacia remarked making Adelina gasp.

"You fucking bitch!" she said playfully, "that is so not it, he'll come around. He's just being a dick." Ever since Addison built up the courage to come out to his bestfriends last January, everybody was on board with it but Soavi. He'd make sly homophobic comments. Addison never spoke on it though because he understood he was struggling to come to terms with his sexuality albeit he still wished he'd be more accepting.

"You really can't be letting him run all over you like that, Sunny. Adelina stop inviting him to our meetings he's too damn rude." Kaia frowned as she finished sipping on her iced tea and pushed it away from her.

"Whatever fuck him, how was everybody's week?" Every week on sunday the gang of friends would come together to check in and just see how everybody was doing. One person in the group sas a dedicated week to decide where they went or what they do. Today it was Adelina's turn and she decided her cafe at 11 for brunch.

"It was okay, I got this new patient she was in a car accident and she's so funny. We got along really well and she's a great person to hang around with." Acacia shared, thinking about her new friend. Acacia worked as a physiotherapist and that included helping patients that had been in critical accidents get back on their feet.

"This week was good for me, Monday went off to a very shit start I was late to rehearsal but after that everything was smooth." Adrienne worked as a singer/actress and it could be a very tough job at times.

"Yeah because she really doesn't listen to shit anyone says." Addison - her twin brother - worked as her agent and got her roles and concerts.

"Are you thinking of going on tour soon?" Addison shook his head.

"She's not ready for that well we're not, that would take a lot of time and we don't even have an album prepared yet." When Soavi was around Addison wasn't as talkative as he was when he wasn't, he felt like he had to hold himself back and hide aspects of himself in fear of judgment.

"Well shit let me speak," Adrienne said annoyed, "but yeah he's right we're not ready for it." Addison rolled his eyes as Adrienne laughed.

"Jalen, your week?" Adelina asked as she took a bite out of her brownie.

"I'm a weightlifter, how could my job be hard?" Gianni smiled admiring her boyfriend.

"Whatever, gigi?" Gianni giggled as she drunk from her water .

"It was okay, it wasn't that difficult. Except for this Karen we had on Wednesday, she must've been having a 'seizure' or whatever and she wouldn't take help from none of my team. Sharon's obviously gay, Marcus is black same with me, Nancy was like 'I used to be a man' I lost myself at that point and then Nicklaus just straight up refused."

"I fucking hate those bitches," Acacia said as she began working on her elephant drawing sheet for kids, "that reminds me of that scene from that firefighter series."

"Ah I loved that show." Adrienne agreed.

"So childish." Jalen mumbled looking at Acacia.

"You got sum to say? Oh, okay speak up then." Acacia replied looking directly at Jalen.

"Samir, how was your week?" Samir furrowed his brows ignoring Adelina, "a head nod would suffice." Samir rolled his eyes as he leaned his chin on his hand. Truthfully his week wasn't any different from all the other weeks. He woke up, went on a two hour run, went home and washed, went to the gym then went to work. Same cycle, new day.

"Are you thirsty? I'm going to go order another brownie." Samir shook his head as Adelina slid out of the booth. Truthfully Samir did not want to be with his friends right now.

Recently a new girl had started coming to the gym, Samir thought she was gorgeous. She worked out at the same time as Samir did. He'd constantly check her out. She had a flat stomach and a very light complexion. She hadn't uttered a word to Samir before however he'd caught her looking at him in the mirrors before.

Samir wasn't the type of man to make the first move, since he didn't actually talk, but she didn't seem like the type either. He hadn't seen her talk to anyone nor had he heard her voice before.

Samir predicted her voice to sound smooth though, very soft and melodious. You'd want to hear it on replay, you wouldn't be able to get enough of it.

Samir had begun going to gym more and more and staying longer just to be in her presence.

He thought if he was different then maybe they could be friends, but Samir doesn't talk to people so he didn't know how he'd manage to talk to her: he'd just have to watch her from a distance, he'd just have to remain her silent secret admirer.

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