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Sugar Honey Iced Tea by Kelis

Glendale, AZ
Tuesday May 27th
Samir Cadaver | Sage

In the end Samir ended up sleeping over, he got carried away playing with Montana and Soraya had decided to let them be. Her and Samir had done enough exercises for one day.

She wanted to give him his space because she'd be in a position like him before except not exactly however she understood what it was like to continuously be pestered by everybody and everybody constantly asking if you're alright or something like that.

Soraya woke up around seven am in the morning and got dressed and ready for the day, she had plans to have a day with her father.

Before that though she would have a conversation with Samir and cook everybody breakfasts.

She made a variety of different things since she was feeding a group of four men and her and her daughter.

She made some egg and sausage taquitos, stacks of strawberry shortcake pancakes, crepes, there was also french toast and a large proportion of fruits.

Montana and Samir also woke up early since they both went on runs in the morning, not always together however if Samir was staying over they'd do it together.

Samir woke up at 6:30 and once he was ready he went to Montana's room to wake him up and they was out the house before anybody else had woken up.

They'd came back just as soraya was preparing the table, they both took a quick five minute shower in separate rooms and then went for breakfast.

Soraya didn't want to begin until everybody was there and so as soon as they sat Ciara began grace.

"Heavenly father thank you for giving us this meal and thank you for bringing us today on this bright morning, thank you for waking us up another morning and thank you for everything you have ever given us and continue to give us. Amen." A chorus of 'Amens' followed and everybody then began stacking their plates.

"Samir, I didn't know you were staying." Ciara said looking up at Ciara as she began cutting up pieces of her strawberry shortcake pancake. She loved them over everything else that her mother had prepared.

Samir didn't respond however Ciara didn't expect him to so she was unsure why she even said anything.

"How was Clara's?" Hezekiah asked as he took a bite out of his crepe and banana.

"Cleo," Ciara corrected, "and it was okay. Um I was actually wondering if I can go over again tonight, just to hang out of course." Samir could tell she was lying, it was what about that made him unsure.

"You're mother told me you left at seven pm, you can't go that late again." Hezekiah said firmly.

"Alright, understandable I won't." Instead of arguing with her parents like some teenagers may do Ciara tried to understand them as much as possible.

They didn't live on a private island safe from all dangers, they lived in Glendale Arizona, they lived in America and Ciara was a black teenage woman: she understood the dangers that came with them and she accepted that.

"So is that a yes?" Ciara repeated as she put a crepe onto her plate and then peered up at her parents.

"Who is this Cleo girl?" Nahmir  asked covering his mouth as he swallowed the final bite of taquito he was eating.

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