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No Service by Flozigg, Poet22

Scottsdale, AZ
Thursday June 13th
Samir Cadaver | Sage

"So what's your favourite colour?" Mindy asked as the two sat opposite each other in taco bell, Samir was in the area and had randomly spurred outside Mindy's house.

He hadn't seen her in almost a week, he missed her but he wouldn't admit that.

'Orange', Samir never really had a 'favourite colour' per say however he loved the colour orange the most. He mainly loved it because of sundowns and how beautiful it made the sky look and sunrises. Those were his favourite times of the day.

"That's cool, mine would probably have to be brown but like a tortilla brown." Mindy said along with a head nod as she took a bite of her quesadilla.

"I honestly love this place, I do not come here enough." Mindy observed the shop as she looked the few customers dining in and the workers, "have you ever worked in a fast food restaurant?" Samir shook his head, he handed ever worked except for doing voluntary work in the daycare. The majority of his friends did that though, he also did sole business work for Hezekiah for a couple months when he was seventeen because he wanted to start earning some money because he was very good with numbers.

When he graduated high school though he quit and then became a groundskeeper he kept his occupation from people just because he felt like it wasn't nobody's business, however nothing could be kept from Soraya and she was very unhappy when she found out. She hated the fact that he threw away something good to be working in cemeteries, what she couldn't comprehend is that Samir couldn't be confined into the four walls he calls a office. Those type of jobs and that type of scenery just wasn't for him.

"I haven't either, my momma owns a bakery though - well she used to she sold it a couple years ago - but when I was like in my mid teens I worked there for some extra cash. It was a really nice place."

'Why quit?" Samir signed curiously, for some odd reason he found himself wanting to know more about the young girl.

Mindy didn't understand the second sign however using her initiative she knew what 'why' was and so she figured he was asking why she quit.

Mindy sighed and grabbed her fry before dipping it in to her nacho cheese.

"My mom didn't want me working there anymore, I don't know why for sure but I think I have a small idea." Samir didn't respond as he  ate his burrito.

"I really love this place." Mindy repeated.

'The food is nice, I don't come here often. Do you?' Mindy couldn't make out much from the sentence and her confused expression portrayed that.

Samir didn't blame her though since they'd only had one lesson which was a couple hours long and he didn't go through very complicated random sentences, the most they did was: numbers, colours, common phrases, compliments and greetings.

Samir decided to finish eating his burrito and then message her, Mindy nibbled on her bottom lip feeling embarrassed as she couldn't understand him. She hoped that with the lessons she'd learn quickly however they still couldn't communicate well.

Samir noticed that she looked conflicted with herself and knew that he need to hurry up and eat so he could put her mind at rest.

He finished his burrito and wiped his hands as Mindy move on to her second quesadilla. He took a couple fries and dipped them into their shared nacho cheese given that they only had one to go in between the two.

Samir wiped his hands on a napkin and then picked up his iPhone to set Mindy's mind at rest.

I have not yet taught you everything so you can not expect to know everything.

Mindy watched her phone vibrate confused, she dropped her quesadilla and picked up the napkin, wiping the hands and then reading the message.

She was instantly shocked and looked up at Samir expectantly who didn't pay her any mind.

Do not beat yourself up about the lack of knowledge

Mindy felt as if he could read her mind, she was stunned by how he could pinpoint her feelings and emotions in such a way.

"I-I uh," Mindy was lost for words however Samir didn't expect her to say anything, he gestured for her to continue eating and she happily obliged doing as instructed. She picked back up her second quesadilla and continued enjoying herself.

Samir liked that Mindy didn't start that much conversation, she wasn't that talkative and she appreciated that. Maybe it was because she was respecting his boundaries or maybe it was just because it wasn't in her nature to constantly talk. Whatever it was Samir liked that they could sit in silence together and he didn't hate it, he didn't know if she felt the same way but he hoped as much.

Mindy liked that she could be so much of herself around him, Samir was the least judgemental person she'd ever met and he was so easygoing. Conversations were easy at least as easy as they could be when you have a voiceless companion. But regardless of that she could be herself around Samir, her true complete self. He was so easy to just be around, she looked forward to just bathing in his presence, they didn't need to ever talk, he didn't need to utter a single syllable because she yearned for nothing but him so much that she didn't need his voice.

They sat in silence until they finished, "D-do you want to come back to mine after?" Mindy had never invited anybody over, "m-my parents are at this business meeting or whatever and she didn't want them to just be riding around. Garrett was in his room, she didn't think it'd be hard to sneak a silent man in though.

Samir nodded and gathered their rubbish, Mindy took a sip from her coke as she watched Samir put the rubbish in the bin and come back to their table.

Mindy's phone vibrated again and she looked down at her phone before looking back up at Samir who was now sitting opposite her once again.

She ignored the message and put her phone on do not disturb before standing up as Samir grabbed his large tango and did the same.

As they were leaving the fast food restaurant Mindy put her arm around Samir's and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Samir usually hated the touch of people however this was different, he liked this.

He looked down at the twenty three year old on his shoulder and for the first time in a long time he gave her a pure smile.

She obviously didn't notice but that's alright, she didn't need to notice.

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