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Daenerys University

"Miss... We are ready..."

A hushed sigh covered the dark office of the headmistress hearing what her secretary had said.

She slowly whipped her swivel chair to face her secretary. Her back leaning on the chair as the darkness that was resting in the office shaded her flawless face.

Patrisha Chaniel. The name of the secretary. The headmistress often calls her Miss Trisha.

Chaniel didn't really felt comfortable with just standing inside her darkened office. What more of her staring with those eyes having the mixture of purple and blue glowing in the dark.

"T-the nuns and the deacons a-are already waiting at the great hall..." she said mentally scolding herself for stammering. She bent down her head to look on her folder with the names of the students and pretended to be reading it.

"Very well..." she said as she slowly stand up. Her figure escaping the shadows emitting such an intimidating aura to her secretary.

She walked towards her cloth stand and picked her royal blue coat wearing it elegantly. Matching her black and white attire that was screaming a vampire look.

Her footsteps that was created by her 5 inch heels are the only thing to be heard inside her office aside from their breathings.

"Come on..." the headmistress mumbled as her secretary made way for her to exit her office. Seconds later and she's already tailing her after closing the office door.

Upon arriving at the great hall. The students and staffs who were murmurring halted when they felt her cold presence.

The headmistress walked on the center like a model taking the center as her runway. While Chaniel only looked down, following the headmistress to her own seat in front of everyone alongside with the priests and head nuns.

One of the young deacons looked at the students and gestured them to bid their greetings.

Everyone stood up and greeted their headmistress before one female student stood from her seat and approached the podium to start the opening prayer.

Quin Ryx. One of the famous students in their university for being the most outstanding and a model to everyone. She is also the Vice President of their Student Council.

Once Ryx finished her opening prayer, the headmistress proceeded to say a few words which only was needed because it's another beginning of their school year.

The male and female students are separated from each other. The females are on the first and second column of seats from the right while the males are on the third and fourth column to the left.

Daenerys University is a Catholic school which covered many students that came from different parts of the worlds.

Almost sixty-five percent of their students have come from orphanage from different countries. The rest have secret origins, some came from rich family and some from a poor family.

The school teaches not only what other schools teaches their students. Given that they hired nuns and priests instead of Professors. The school teaches the words of God.

Although there are also a few Professors that was accepted by the school, but only because they were qualified with the school's needs.

Daenerys University was built in one of the forests of Lithuania between 1934 to 1942.

It used to be a refuge to the Lithuanian victims of the World War II. A few years later it became a hidden military camp to the Lithuanian soldiers.

When the war ended, they turned the huge castle into a school to make a better use of it.

Although there's been a few debate that the place should remain as it is to be a ruin and be a part of their country's history. And yet many people agreed for it to be used as a school for those who have no ability to continue their education after the war.

Since then. The school gathered students even those from different parts the world.

Once the orientation ended, the President of the Student Council stood up to start their closing prayer.
Quillrie Lived, a male student which also shares the same reputation as Quin Ryx. Both are the top models of the school. However Quillrie have a flaw unlike Quin.

Quin is known to be nice and friendly. In other words she is such a social butterfly. Quillrie is also friendly and charming, however his flaw is that his mouth couldn't help but cuss even though it is forbidden in their school.

What makes him the top model is because of his incomparable determination and bravery. Every much of the students feared him that none bothered to report him whenever they hear him swearing.

It's like cursing is a part of his daily life and if he hasn't done it, anyone are free to assume that he got possessed by a thoughtful spirit who probably got sick of his abrasive mouth and thought of a very greatful idea that might help the society by possessing the young cursing machine.

And of course. What is a King without his Queen? None other than the so-goody-two-shoes, Yatchelus Nyxseuz. The female version of Quillrie Lived.

There aren't any words that would best suit her other than being the complete female version of her lover.
Well atleast she have a different kind of personality which makes her also unique from other students.

After the closing prayer. They all bid their farewell to the headmistress before she left the great hall with a blank facade all over her face.
Marching back to her office to take rest and accompany the darkness of her comfortable bubble.

"You may leave for now... if you have nothing more to say..." she said intertwining her pale fingers on her mahogany desk.

"I'll see you later Miss..." Chaniel said and bowed her head before she walked out of her office.

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