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Qaelust anxiously tapped her left foot rapidly. She's already arrived at the number of 1588 of counting all the seconds that passed ever since the mass started.

Not trying to be rude.

But she is rude.

Anyway. Qaelust has never been to a mass before. She wasn't the religious type of person. But atleast she's memorized all the basic prayers like any sane person that believes God should know.

Good thing that the pianist is a good player. She was able to last longer than she expected.

Of course she tried to ditch even the mass but Quin insisted to seat with her boldly saying she might run away again.

Couldn't blame her though. Even Silver who already know where she went, wouldn't let her out of her sight.

And that only made her locked. Feeling imprisoned.

And she always hated that feeling.
That's why she's more comfortable when she befriends ghosts. Because none of them made her feel that way. Even though it sounded quite off.

After the mass ended. They were all allowed to come out or stay. Either to hang out. But of course they must return before sunset.

The same buses that brings students from the city to the forest are the ones that will bring them back to the city. It will wait for them only until 5pm before it drives back to the castle.

And of course, many students chose to hang out while some stayed probably because they didn't have anywhere else to go or they're busy.

Quin had ditched her own circles of friends and asked Silver and Qaelust to join her. The two had no choice since they're obviously the newbies and in need of a guide wherever they go. And Quin is the perfect one for it.

The ride to the city took atleast an hour and a half. Once they arrived, everyone immediately parted their ways scattering all over the city to hangout on their free time, free day.

"Come! Let's ride that ferris wheel!" Quin said pulling the two with her.

Just by the look of the humongous wheel before them was enough to scare Silver. And to imagine she'll be riding it made her complexion instantly pale.

"You can just stay here! There's no way I'll pass on this free ride..." Qaelust said nonchalantly placing her hands in the pockets of her grey hoodie.

After all, Quin is paying for everything. Not that they didn't have their own money, nobody really ever pays anything for them.

Even if there is, there is always something they must do in return. Besides, Quin insisted that everything is her treat to welcome them both.
After all, what could be more better than a treat right?

"You'll really ditch me for that tremendous wheel!!?" Silver exclaimed with pure exaggeration.

Quin chuckled at her adorableness. If only Qaelust is like her too. "Well, can't you find something to distract yourself while we take the ride?" She asked between her giggles. Her eyes obviously stating 'allow-me-to-spend-time-with-my-little-sister'.

Silver sighed in defeat and decided to look around. Eventually, she spotted an arcade filled with kids and decided to go there thinking it's definitely the most harmless she can go while waiting for them.

"Alright! You can stay in that colossal wheel and I'll go grab my chances on one of those claw machines which are definitely rigged!" She said stretching her knuckles in a clumsy way.

"Don't get too mad on the machine though!" Qaelust said bluntly and walked to the line first.

"Go on! Spend time with her as much as you want! I'm pretty sure I'll find a lot of things to distract me the entire day!" Silver said as she playfully shoo Quin away.

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