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Quillrie let out a low groan. Trying to flutter his eyes to improve the blurry sight. And when it did, the pain on his left leg finally registered in him.

He looked around. Realizing that the bus is turned upside down. And pile of the broken seats are on top of his leg.

He saw Laudemer and Craeian on the driver's seat. The two are unconscious and they don't seem to be in a better position either.
Selene and Skye are luckily not stucked. But they are both unconscious and hurt. Yatch is a bit further than them, at the back of bus. She isn't stucked too and already awake. But she broke a bone on her right leg and she couldn't move.

"Quillrie?" She whispered with tears brimming her eyes.

Quillrie immediately reached his hand to her direction. Forcing a smile to assure her that he's okay.

"Where are the other four?" He asked not being able to see the four youngest.

Yatch only cried and covered her face while sobbing. She didn't stop crying and only got louder. Atleast waking up the two males at the front.

"What the fu**! Stop touching me!!!"

"No! You're the one touching me!"

"Shut up! Get out of my face!"

"You get out of my face! Your breath sucks!"

"Says who!!?? I didn't see you brush your teeth today!"

"No you didn't--"

"Craeian!!!!" Quillrie practically screamed as he cry. Eventually gaining the two older's attention.

Laudemer immediately got up first and then Craeian. Quickly rushing to them. They checked Selene and Skye first. Before going to Quillrie.

"We'll get the girls out for now. Then we'll come back for you okay?" Laudemer said to him.

Quillrie only nodded as response. Before the two stood up to carry Selene and Skye out of the turned bus.

"We're still alive. We fell from the cliff and we're still alive." Craeian muttered under his breath.

"We're lucky. But our friends won't be if we don't hurry." Laudemer said.

The two carefully placed the girls outside the bus. Selene thankfully woke up but she was wincing in pain from her head. She's bleeding there too.

"Go. I'll watch Skye." Selene said to the boys so they can go back for Quillrie.

The two headed back inside the bus and checked the broken seats on their friend.

"No. Yatch first. Please. Make sure she's alright." Quillrie pointed at the girl and the two gasped in surprise seeing her state.

Luckily. Craeian and Laudemer knows about first aid. So they carefully wrapped her injury and carefully removed her out of the bus. The sooner they secured her beside Selene, they went back to help Quillrie.
He was limping when they got him out.

"Go. You must look for them before it's too late." Quillrie said to them seeing the doubt from the two older.

"We'll come back for you. So stay put!" Craeian instructed and Quillrie smiled at them.

"Don't worry. Your eyes can tell that I can't run. So go. I'll take care of them." He said again.

Laudemer eventually pulled Craeian with him to look for the other four.

About an two hours ago.
When the bus hit the huge rock on the road. It tipped off and was thrown off the cliff. Luckily, the cliff isn't that tall and the ground is inclined. The bus rolled a bit and stopped when it hit the trees on the edge of the forest.

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