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Acquaintance Party

Everywhere you look is surely busy. Students dressed in a bright and sparkling dresses. Dressed in a fancy colors of tuxedos and suits.

The sponsors are also scattered all over the venue of the party. With the long tables of various appetizing menus.

Liquors are strongly prohibited so many cocktails and fruit juice stalls were implemented in a fancy and fabulous way that matches the theme of the party.

The headmistress stayed for about half an hour only to accompany their sponsors. Then she disappeared like she always does.

There were three sections; Volkswitch, Tenebris and Nephilim. Each section had created a group performance to entertain for the party.

"Tenebris nailed it with their performance. Why didn't the two of you joined them?" Craeian asked while playing with his glass of orange juice.

"Yeah! It looks fun!" Selene added with a giggle.

"Had we joined the performance. You girls will definitely scold us for separating from your group!" Silver chuckled and took a glance at the other table where the boys except Craeian are gathered.

Skye noticed at where Silver was looking so she turned to the table across them. Including Craeian.

A frown that was decorating Quillrie's face are oddly visible. It's been there for days and haven't left his handsome face.

"Don't mind him! He's clearly upset because Quin didn't even showed up to the party." Craeian said and diverted his gaze to Qaelust.

"Can't you try and talk to your sister? Quin changed so much. And I'm afraid it's not doing her any good." Yatch said but Qaelust was quick to shake her head.

"I tried. But she's obviously avoiding me." The girl replied nonchalantly.

The day after the incident at the tower. Qaelust decided to talk to Quin about why she ditched her and the reason of why she suddenly started slacking off.

However, when they were just about to begin with their conversation. Quin became really sensitive.

"I know you don't wanna be with me from the beginning. So why don't we just leave it like that and pretend that we don't exist for each other like we used to."

Qaelust was mad surprise at the sudden statement.
The statement not only reminded her of how Qaelust ignores everyone around her. But also reminded her of Amara whom she had never seen again after the lair was breached.

After Quin said those to her. They never once talked to each other again.
And then it dawned to her right at that moment of the party.

It's been two weeks after the lair has been opened. The recent supernatural events they had was when the boys almost died at the tower. If they hadn't forced to do something to prevent it, they would probably fall with death ready to catch them.

Quin began acting strange after the breach as well and Amara doesn't show up to bother her anymore.
It somehow adds up.

"Qaelust? Are you alright?" Skye asked with concern when she noticed the girl turning pale.

"Y-yeah. I-I think I need to go to... to the bathroom..." she excused herself and tried not to make herself look more suspicious.

Qaelust decided to leave the venue and started searching for Quin. She didn't know where to find her but started at the girl's dormitory.

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