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Oddly enough. Those were the words coming out from the deacon's mouth. In serve of their lectures.
Yet unfortunately, those words were like alien language to Qaelust's ears. Not to mention that their class is all about science which she definitely loathes the most.

It's been a week after the school year began. Qaelust couldn't be more interested to this year compare to her previous ones.

Atleast this year she have those she could consider entertainment. Which is none other than Loretta and her friends.

Her day won't be completed without them constantly bugging her. For her it's a rather good thing as long as they don't get bothered in front of many students.

Lorreta would only bully them behind the scenes. Or anywhere that no student council will see them or any that are loyal to them.
It's really childish.

Unlike other schools, Daenerys University have a six days classes. Although the last one which on Saturday, it's like their Catholic Class where the nuns and deacons teach them the word of God.

The deacons would teach them how to serve the Lord. Or explain the word of Him. While the nuns would either teach them how to be like them, some prayers. And most of all values.

The student body would always roast the council officers due to their extraordianry habits and values of their own. Though it was only for fun and they don't really take it that far. Especially knowing that the officers are responsible enough despite the attitude.

This first Saturday of the school year. They were all gathered at the church. Both ladies and men, having a joint class altogether.

It piqued Qaelust's interests not knowing that they have a spare day for this kind of classes which some other Catholic Schools don't have.

She was pretty interested with the lessons.

No wonder Quin is so positive with everything...
She said between her thoughts when she saw her sister standing on the podium. Doing the opening prayer as usual.

"Have you talked to your sister?" Silver whispered at her as she leaned closer.

She only shook her head in response.

She's never spoken to her sister ever since they arrived. She knows that Quin was trying to reach to her. But unfortunately, she's either busy or asleep at the time.
And whenever she's free, Quin would definitely be busy.

"Why so? I mean, you're sisters." Silver pouted having the thought that the two haven't even hugged each other yet which is true.

"We're busy..." Qaelust mumbled as her eyes began to roam around the ceiling of he church.

The design is pretty cool. It looks quite ancient but a litttle modern and retro at the same time. The chandeliers are pretty well made and bright.

There's also paintings of little angels on the ceiling. Including Mother Mary and Jesus Christ.
Whoever did the painting did the great masterpiece in his life.

And while she was checking the decorations, her eyes landed on the other side of the church which is an old garden that leads to goodness knows where.

"I'll just go to the bathroom..." she said and stood up not caring if it's allowed or not.

She noticed that some of the student council in charge to look after them was walking towards her direction.

So Qaelust casually walked out of the church using one of the doors on their side.

POSSESSED ; Daenerys UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now