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Abandoned Building

"I can't believe we're doing this..." Skye mumbled to herself while diverting her flashlight to every direction.

They have already arrived at the abandoned building. As expected, the place is dark, misty and cold.

The first floor was nothing but burnt and black walls. The floor is covered with dust and darkness habits the entire place.

"They're not here! Can we go back now?" Selene pleaded. She couldn't imagine herself staying in that place any longer.

"No! We haven't check upstairs yet! Come on!" Qaeus said and gestured them to follow him.

Qaeus isn't new to the place anymore. He always go to this building whenever he's bored. Like for example was when he ditched the Welcoming Party before the first day. 
He knows all the exits and entrances. He knows every doors that leads them to whatever place. He basically memorized the whole building.

The four sprinted upstairs. Their footsteps echoing in the entire hallway of the second floor.

Four doors greeted them aside from the darkness that is always present.

"Great. A door for each of us!" Qaeus said nonchalantly.

"Are you nuts? You want us to separate from each other?" Selene exclaimed with a frown.

"We should divide into two groups! That would be better!" Laudemer suggested.

Qaeus nodded his head and went with Selene on the first door at their right. Laudemer and Skye went on the other door across the first one.

Old musical instruments greeted Laudemer and Skye. Dusty and old. Some of the instruments are already broken.

"If Prince was here, he will definitely touch this piano..." Laudemer mumbled as he grace his fingers on the tiles of the old piano.

He pressed one of the tile which made a not so pleasing sound.

"Stop touching anything here! Let's just search for our friends!" Skye scolded him with a glare.

Meanwhile, what greeted the other two across the room would have made them wish to be greeted by the same thing Laudemer and Skye found.

Instead. What look like mannequins covered with white fabrics are what greeted them.

The mannequins are in different heights. A few of them doesn't look like a mannequin at all.

Enough to scare Selene and already pictured herself sprinting away in case any unholy entity tries to jump on her.

"Qaelust?" Qaeus called out. He walked closer to the mannequins.

Casually. Qaeus pulled the fabrics one by one. The first two are only two common mannequins.

"Qaeus! Stop! What are you doing?!" Selene whisper yelled and tried to stop the boy.

But as soon as Qaeus pulled the fourth fabric, they both stepped back in surprise to see Qaelust.

She was standing with her eyes closed. There were black veins visible from her neck to her cheeks. Her mouth looked like she's mumbling something.

"Qaelust?" Qaeus called out to her and tried to wake her up by slightly tapping her cheeks.

He carried the girl as her body automatically collapsed by his touch.

"Oh my God! Qaelust? Wake up! What happened to you!" Selene cried while squeezing the girl's left hand.

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