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"Don't! FUCKING SCARE ME like that!" Qaeus yelled at the girl. His eyes looked a little teary and his face are all red.

Qaelust felt a little guilty for surprising him. He looked really scared by the looks of his face.
But then she remembered that she doesn't care so she brushed off the feeling.

"Oops." She mumbled and glanced at the girl beside her.

Her eyes looked perplexed as she stare at the boy. She couldn't read what her expression tells, but it's neither negative or positive.

Maybe that's just the look of a predator ready to devour her prey.

"Hey! Don't stare too much at him..." she whispered and Amara immediately turned to her.

A smile eventually painting her pinkish lips.

"Who is he?" Amara asked as she walk towards him. Casually brushing his exposed bright crimson red hair.

Qaeus felt a cold breeze brushed his hair and he immediately jerked to stand up. Quickly regaining his composure as he look around.

Nothing changes except the both of them standing in that lair.

"So what are you doing here?" She asked again watching how Amara playfully scrutinized the boy.

"Nothing that should concern you..." he said insouciantly.

"Pfft. Are you okay though? You look pale!" She teased earning her a glare from the boy. At which she chuckled at.

"Shut up!" He hissed and walked forward. Making sure not too distanced from the girl.

He doesn't really know how he's able to last more than a minute in that place. Furthermore, walk. But he sure almost had a heart attack when Qaelust heartlessly startled him.

"He's so pretty! His looks is just illegal!" Amara giggled as she stomp like a kid beside Qaeus.

The boy noticed the dried leaves on the ground moves due to the sudden cold wave of wind.

"Geez. This place didn't change at all..." he mumbled eventually landing his gaze onto the girl.

"We probably should leave." He said. No expressions traceable.

"You just got here Qaeus. You can just say you're afraid! I won't judge..." she said folding her arms as she sat on the old fountain. Her eyes though watching how Amara fonds herself of continiously weirding out the boy.

She actually finds it fun, having no idea what it's causing to Qaeus.

"You may not know it but this place is forbidden to any student. That's why the gates are locked in the first place."

"Since you're here... My friend wouldn't tell me why this place is locked so maybe you can!" She said tilting her head.

"My friend?" Qaeus repeated raising a brow at her.

He maintained his composure but his insides are already freaking out. Right now he just wants to run away and hide under his blanket.

"Tch. You're stupid..." she mumbled.

"Whatever. We should go. If any nun or deacon spots us here, we'll be in big trouble! And you're only risking your sister's reputation!" He said placing his hands in his pockets. But actually to hide his trembling hands.

Amara grinned at the sudden action. She was observing him so there is no way she didn't saw what he did.

"Can we not use Quin in our conversation?" Qaelust scoffed raising a brow at the boy.

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