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Heaving a deep sigh, Quillrie leaned his back on his swivel chair finishing the papers he was instructed to sign which regards about their school.

Prince and Qaeus accompanied him since the nun who was suppose to teach them on their class before their lunch break unfortunately couldn't make it. Thus making their time free.

"Waaah! I think I just lost the last brain cells I had left!!!" Prince whined flopping himself on his own desk.

"I didn't know you still had 'em!" Qaeus shrugged nonchalantly.

Prince immediately pouted whilst glaring at him while Quillrie could only shook his head waiting for another bickerings from the two younger members of their group.

"And I didn't know you were keeping count of my braincells! Perhaps you've gotten more attached to me!" Prince said wearing his infamous toothy smile.

Qaeus grimaced at him raising a brow. "Quillrie! Did Laudemer fed him a jar of sugar!? I think he's travelling to candy world again!" He said scooting away when Prince began to poke his waist with a pen while giggling sheepishly.

"Prince, you can stop teasing him now! I'm afraid hesitation of punching Little Prince is not in his vocabulary!" Quillrie chuckled while arranging the papers to a portfolio before placing them on the left corner of his table.

He cleaned his desk within a few minutes and before he can even look to check the desk of his friends.

"Aaahhh!!!" He heard Prince along with his loud and ear-piercing dolphin screech.

He immediately looked at the two and it was too late for him to realize that Qaeus had punched the poor boy now caressing his own crimson red left cheek.

"Why did you punch him!?" Quillrie exclaimed glaring at Qaeus.

"He won't get off me!" The latter fired back and turned to Prince who was pouting at him.

It wasn't really the first time that Qaeus ended up punching his friends on the face. And believe me when I say that all of them had a taste of the wrath of his fist.

One time, when Qaeus punched Craeian on the face. The two had a serious quarrel given that Craeian are years older than Qaeus. But the two still made up which is one of the reasons that kept their friendship stronger.

Although, among the four of Qaeus' friends. Prince is the one who's so unfortunate that always gets to be punched a lot.
Well probably because he's too clingy, talkative, loud, naughty and etc. Which is all completely on Qaeus' hated bucket lists.

But the two still really get along just as fine despite of them always fighting.

Prince once said and I quote 'I believe the way Qaeus shows his love to us is violence! Which means he really loves me the most!'

"That's not enough reason for you to punch him! What if he gets a bruise this time!?" Quillrie scolded him and walked to Prince to check the younger's face. "This is the third time you punch him this week on his face!" He added and glared at Qaeus again.

"I'm fine! My body is immune to him!" Prince mumbled moving away from Quillrie but he made sure to keep a safe distance from Qaeus thinking that he's still on a danger zone.

"If you're going to punch him! You should've atleast punch his stomach instead!" Quillrie glowered making the youngest jerk to him with a glare.

"Yeah go on! Motivate him! If I end up into a corpse! I'll haunt you two first!" Prince complained followed by his fake cry.

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