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"Hey!" Qaelust called to her sister and showed her the text message she just received from Silver.

"Oh!" Quin mumbled taking a sip from her slurpee, the left ear of her bunny head band fell to her face.

"Then we should go! We ditched her long enough!" She said and chuckled. "I know where that restaurant is! Come on!" She said and led Qaelust to the said Mexican restaurant.

It didn't took them long to arrive there but to their surprise they saw the student council officers instead. Skye and Selene are also there seemingly as they were hanging out as a group.

Qaelust took a quick glance at Qaeus just to see him wearing his inpods and looking like he doesn't care about anything but his soundtrip. He sat there on the right end of the couch with his head resting on the back of the couch. His eyes closed as if he was sleeping.

She really wanted to thank him for finishing her entire task even though it was her punishment.
Because she literally did nothing but made the horse mad and make a mess. But atleast she was able to wash it later on. She felt like she owe him. After all, he was a big mess after he finished her task.

"Quin!" Yatch called when she spotted the girl.

She approached them both with Skye and Selene tagging along. The boys are left in the lobby where they wait for the other two.

"Oh! So it's true that this wild one is your little sis!" Yatch said looking slyly at Qaelust who simply glanced at her.

"You girls should join us! Although we're actually waiting for Prince and his date! But the more the merrier!" Selene said and smiled at the two.

"Oh! We'd love to! But we're also waiting for someone!" Quin said and apologized.

Why is she even apologizing?
Qaelust thought.

"Then perhaps you can just join us while you wait!" Skye offered and so the two followed them to the lobby.

Laudemer slapped Qaeus' thigh when he noticed that the girls are approaching with the other two.
Since Qaeus took most of the space of the couch just because he's trying to hibernate again. Laudemer had to wake him up.

"What!?" He scowled at the older taking off his left inpod.

"Make some space! Quin and her sister is here!" He said glaring at the younger.

"Like I care!" He scoffed but still sat properly to make space.

He placed back his inpod on his hear and closed his eyes again. Then he felt someone sat beside him and soon someone stole his left inpod making him jerk from his spot.

"Calm down will you!" Qaelust hissed at him. Her arms folded and her back leaned on the couch as she look straight ahead.

"We're not that close you know..." he mumbled and looked to his right. The view of the people strolling outside visible from the glass pane.

"Who said we're close..." the girl spoke.

A few minutes of silence lurked around them before Qaelust decided to destroy it.

"Thank you..." she said which immediately caught Qaeus' attention.

"For what?"

"For yesterday... You didn't have to help me... But you still did..." she said. Her eyes still looking straight ahead.

"Sure thing. But I do hope you mean that by the look of your face!" He said as a smile etched his lips.

"I mean it!" She said and raised a brow turning to him. It caught her by surprise to see the rare smile on his face.

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