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Qaeus woke up and quickly clutched his head. The excruciating pain all over his head along with a sound of flatline interrupting his senses.

"You're awake..." the boy turned after hearing Quillrie's voice.

The boy wearing his same potter specs sat on the couch. Just beside Qaeus' bed.
He stood up and walked to the bedside table. Pouring a glass of water and handed it to the boy.

Qaeus gladly accepted and took a drink to satisfy his dried throat. He winced when he felt the syringe injected on his wrist.

"What happened?" He asked with a rather hoarse voice while returning the glass on the bedside table.

"They spiked the wines with tons of drugs. Had it been distributed to the sponsors. We'd all be damned!" Quillrie said returning to his seat.

"Was it that bad?"

"That's not all. But I'm not sure if you're interested to hear more."

"Oh please. If I messed up then you can shut up!" Qaeus scoffed furrowing his brows and leaned his back on the pile of pillows.

"That! Is another story! So to--"

"Wait! Did I messed up!!?" Qaeus cut him off. Only to earn a deep chuckle from the older.

"I guess. But you gotta hear me out first!" Quillrie said waving his hand.

"You're an officer too. So you deserve to know the big deal."

"The wines were spiked with drugs. In short, everyone who drinks it will be overdosed. The good news, you're the only one who got to drink it!"

"But the bad news is that we couldn't file a case for Quin about this. Aside from it will mar the school's reputation. San and Lee Know suddenly disappeared."

"Who are they?" Qaeus asked with a frown.

"Apparently. Those two were thugs hired by Lorreta to do their biddings. They weren't officially part of our staffs here so they're basically trespassers."

"The two were suppose to deliver the wines themselves if I hadn't caught them. Since Lee Know had seen you drank a glass, thankfully they accepted that to be enough and disappeared after they led us to Quin."

"What about her?"

"Well. Quin showed no remorse." Quillrie sighed with frustration and pulled back his hair.

"So does Loretta and Bemy. But the least good news was they were reprimanded by the headmistress. They got suspended for a week and was sent to the abbey to be disciplined by the nuns."

"We're lucky nothing leaked all over the school. Ace and his friends promised to keep their mouths shut and the sponsors were able to leave unharmed. The party also ended perfectly as planned."

"Quin's suspension is all over the school though, they think that she got suspended for slacking off with Bemy and Lorreta. The whole student body expresses their disappointment. And I'm afraid Qaelust is getting affected just as we are."

Just the mention of Qaelust's name made Qaeus shot a look at his friend. His face held no emotions except curiousity.

"They're targeting her because they're 'sisters'!" Quillrie scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"You always brought great news Rie!" Qaeus mumbled. Sarcasm all over his face.

The younger male huffed a deep sigh. He then stared at his wrist. From the injection and to his IV drip.

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