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"There!!!" One of the cops yelled and pointed at where Quin and the others are.

They saw Qaeus hugged Prince before they both jumped off.

"Prince!!!" Craeian and Laudemer bellowed.

The younger felt like he was about to lose his mind as he and Craeian raced to the edge. Bawling their eyes out with so much rage and resentment. They saw the two fell on the water but didn't see them come up thanks to the waves.

The cops had Quin and her friends cuffed and pinned them on the ground. While the priests hastily prepared the exorcism. They had already warned everyone of the possible events so they are all prepared now.

"We can't just stay here! We have to help them!!!" Craeian begged the cops while Laudemer cries like a baby on the edge.

They had to take Silver and Qaelust away because they were badly injured. Silver already passed out too while Qaelust was too traumatized to do anything upon watching the sacrifice of the two.

"We already called the coast guard. They're on their way."

"For how long! My friends could be drowning while you fu**ing wait!!!" Laudemer suddenly yelled and grabbed the cop on his collar.

Craeian sobbed and pulled him back. None of them were able to think straight. And it sucks that all they can do is cry about it.

"No!!! Craeian there has to be another way!!! We have to do something quick!!! Please. Let's help them. Fu**ing do something!!!" Laudemer's voice is desperate. He couldn't accept that they have to wait.

"They're going to die! So save your breaths for the funeral!!!" They heard Quin laughing while she's being tied to Bemy and Lorreta.



Laudemer and Craeian attempted to attack them but the cops stopped. The girls laughed louder to anger them more.

"Fine!!! I'm not gonna waste my time and wait for my friends to die!" Laudemer growled and pushed off the cop.

Without hesitation. He ran fast and jumped off the cliff to follow his friends.
Craeian panicked because as much as he remember. Laudemer doesn't know how to swim. So he followed his friend and jumped too despite his fear of heights.

The cops failed to stop them and could only rush the coast guard to rescue the boys. Some of them decided to jump too even though it's very dangerous. If they must wait down there, they won't be alone.

Laudemer landed on the water first and then Craeian. It took them nearly five minutes to swim up to the surface because of the waves. And whenever they do, the waves only pushed them down.

Craeian never let go of Laudemer because he was afraid his friend will drown. Laudemer on the other hand thought that he's stucked on something so he won't stop hitting Craeian on the face.

Having enough of it. Craeian finally smacked his head hard and Laudemer turned to him with a surprised face. He was about to say something but the waves pushed them under again.

And that's where they finally saw the other two. Already unconscious and their hands tied together so they won't be separated from the waves.

Laudemer swam toward them first so Craeian thought he must be dead now that his friend can suddenly swim. When he looked around to check if his surroundings is still real, he saw the cops that jumped after them. Diving to help so he did the same.

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