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Admin Office

Quillrie knocked on the door of the priest's office. It didn't took them long until the door opened and Father Roran welcomed them in.

"We're not gonna beat around the bush Father. We came here because we wanna know when exactly are we gonna do something to fix this!" Laudemer spoke with no sign of emotion on his face.

He really is angry at them.

"The incident at the tower is one thing. But Prince got hurt yesterday. He almost died if it wasn't for Helveryst and Ryx. Those spirits are harassing all of us in every possible ways. And in broad daylight!" Craeian informed assuming that the news about Prince hasn't reached the priest yet.

Roran was silent upon hearing their words. He could sense that Laudemer is not delighted with the long wait.

"If they have resorted to violence again. I could see that this is way worse than before. And I'd like to apologize for dragging this off for a long time. But now that we are here, I think it is only time that we act now before the torment gets worse." The priests states while the four listened attentively.

"The Vatican offered to send us help and promised to keep this between just us. They will send more friends to us to help cleanse the entire castle for good. But it cannot be done with the students inside." The priest informed.

He had already sent a letter to the Vatican and they replied with the promise to send ten more priests to help bless the whole castle and bring all the spirits to the place they should be at. However, the ritual cannot be done with the students inside.

"We can take care of that. The students usually go out in weekends. So maybe this Saturday, the council can bring everyone to the city. We'll make sure to keep everyone in one place." Quillrie suggested.

"Then when will the priests from Vatican arrive?" Yatch asked since they still have to assist the professors that will be arriving tonight.

"Two days from now. We will prepare on the remaining days until Saturday and keep a low profile as to not make any suspicions." The priest replied.

They discussed a few more things such as blessing all of the students before they leave the castle. To make sure that no spirit can latch on them when they leave the castle.

Father Roran insisted to expose himself since everyone's suspecting anyway. It's the easiest way for him to be able to bless all the students by visiting all of their classrooms one by one. Which will be done by thursday and friday.

The four went back to their office to figure out how to bring everyone outside on Saturday without suspecting that priests will exorcise the whole castle.

Laudemer is relieved that Father Roran is finally doing something. But he still can't help but worry and feel the fear. Especially for Prince.

"Why don't we rent a hall? I'll check if there's any at the city. So we can make sure that all students are in one place." Yatch suggested as she starts to write down on her notepad.

"I'll make an announcement on the school page. Let's make it like we're gonna have a school sportfest. I think everyone's gonna buy it since they've been requesting for that since last year." Quillrie added. Laudemer and Craeian pitched in more ideas and they finished their meeting by lunch.

The four met Qaeus, Qaelust and Silver on their way. And from the looks of the trays of food they are carrying, the three are planning to have lunch somewhere else other than the canteen.

"Prince is waiting. Stop questioning us." Qaeus said before walking pass the four with the other two.

"I guess he's fine now. I'm suddenly having the urge to punch his face because of his da** mouth." Yatch muttered while glaring at the boy as he continues to walk further

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