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Two days after Qaelust had that conversation with Loretta.

And since then, she hasn't returned to the garden. The thought that she's the one who opened the seal bothered her.

She never really cared about anything as usual. But not to the point when she knows someone else will be involved or in danger. And right now, the case is nowhere far from that.

She's been contemplating whether to return or not. Hoping if she ask Amara, her good friend will tell her something of sort.

The rumor spread within just two days totally alarming the entire school. Some of the students claimed to have spotted the priest that sealed it years ago. But none of them were able to prove it.

No one tried to ask any of the council officers either as they are all aware how sensitive this topic will be for them.
After all, one of them is still foolishly unaware of what is happening.

With the rumors going around, the council members could only prepare themselves once the headmistress steps in.

And with all that in Qaelust's mind. She finally found herself ditching her class. And now standing in front of the gates of the garden.

From there, she spotted Amara playing on the swing by herself.
And once the paled girl felt her presence, she appeared right in front of her. Only the old gates are the only thing that's between them.

"I thought you weren't coming back!" Amara said with a pout.
"Have you been busy?" She asked and showcased a smile.

"A bit. I've been trying to deal with some rumors..." she said and forced out a smile to the ghost.

"Amara. Is there something bad that happened here? A few years ago?" She asked calmly as she could. And the way the ghost's expression changed gave her the answer she needed.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Tell me the truth." She said firmly but Amara replied her with a stern look.

She smiled and stepped closer to the gate.

"Thank you Qaelust..." the ghost whispered to her ears before she disapparated into a white mist.

Qaelust let out a disappointed huff. She's not that stupid to not know what she meant.
And she isn't that stupid either to not know what she's done.

Either way, there is no going back.

All those things that was locked inside that garden. They're all free because of her. Because she went in that graveyard.

And not even an apology can make those evil savages return to that prison-like hellhole.

Because of her, those council officers that almost died years ago. Their lives are in danger again because of her.

"Child!" Qaelust heard a voice of an old woman calling out to her. She turn around to see an old nun holding a gas lamp with her left hand and a large wooden rosary with her other hand.

"What brings you to this part of the church? The classes are still going..." the nun asked standing still on her spot.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'll just head back to my class!" Qaelust said and tried to excuse herself but the nun called her again.

"Perhaps you can lend me a hand!" The nun said and reached the gas lamp to Qaelust.

The girl hesitantly grabbed the gas lamp and followed the nun warily.

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