ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27

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Prince flickered his eyes open when he felt the side of his bed moved.
A split second. He heard a frantic voice which definitely came from Craeian.

He called the nurse to check on Prince seeing he's gained consciousness.

The male's sight is a bit blurred. He couldn't focus his eyesight properly and he feels like a loud flatline is interrupting his senses.

The nurse examined him and offered him a glass of water. A minute or so passed and Prince is starting to get better with his senses.

He realizes that it's already dark. He looked around and only saw Craeian and the nurse.

"What time is it?" The first thing he asked and Craeian chuckled in relief.

He ruffled the younger's hair as he let out a very soft smile to him.

"It's 9! You've been unconscious for a while. Thankfully it didn't last a day or so!" He said and sat beside him on the bed.

Prince tried to sit up but felt a harsh pang on his head. Making him wince.
Craeian immediately shot up a worried expression and assisted Prince to lay back.

"Don't force yourself. You need to rest!" He said while gently holding him on his shoulder.

"Wait. Silver! How is she!?" Prince asked while rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"She's fine. She's taking a good rest in their dorm with the rest of the girls." Craeian said to assure him.

"You two can stay here for the night. I'll be staying too in my office! So if you need anything, I'll be right there!" The nurse said after finishing up with her task.

"Thank you. Sorry that you have to stay behind. I really didn't wanna bother you but I can't let anyone gossip about this!" Craeian said and gave an apologetic smile to the nurse.

The nurse chuckle and playfully nudged Craeian on his shoulder.

"Come on! We're friends! We should always have each other's back!" She said while giggling.

She waved off to the two before she headed to her office. Leaving the two boys by themselves.

"I'm alright Craeian. You don't have to worry anymore!" Prince said in cute tone and gently pinched his friend.

He noticed Craeian's endless huffs. He looks terribly exhausted and sad too.

"I'm glad you are." Craeian said and ruffled his hair again.

"Come. We can sleep in this bed together. It's spacious so you can stay beside me!" Prince said and opened his arms for Craeian.

The older male laughed at his cute little gestures. He didn't bother to refuse and laid beside Prince. Being cautious to not hurt him since he's still recovering.

The next day...

The boys woke up earlier than they usually do. They immediately got ready and once done, they went to the clinic to check on Prince.

The three stayed there while Craeian returned to their dorm to take a shower and get ready for classes. He returned almost immediately.

The girls are with him this time.

All of them are complete when Prince woke up.
Compared to last night, he's gotten quite better and managed to sit being able to bear the pain on his head.

But unfortunately, they had to leave because of classes and early roll calls.

Prince got excused obviously because of his current situation. The nurse stayed to accompany him though. Since she is aware of their current situation and why Craeian insisted to stay with him all night.

Later that day. Craeian tried to talk to Laudemer. Thankfully he had calmed down compared last night. He was so riled up because of Prince that he managed to say out those things without thinking.

Though Laudemer feels exactly the same, but atleast not the part where he doesn't trust God anymore to protect them.
Because if He really does forsaken them, then Prince wouldn't be alive today.
There is still hope and Laudemer just needs help to see that.

"It's true that many have changed... and what we did before won't work anymore. But we have Qaelust and Silver with us now. They can see those motherfu**ers. And we will all help each other to get through this. They can hurt us all they want. But they can never take away our lives. Only God can." Craeian states calmly.

The two are both in their office and preparing to leave to recheck the dormitory for the children. To see if everything's ready. If it is, they will be bringing in the new sets of students to join the school year. Unfortunately a month late so the council are really rushing everything.

The two left the office and made their way to the building near their dormitory.
It's almost finished and the only thing left to do there is putting in the beds and other things in each rooms. The girls dormitory is already finished a few days ago and its ready to use.

"It's a good thing Prince and Qaeus managed to seal a deal with many sponsors. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to provide all this for the new students." Laudemer said while scanning the ocean blue paints on the walls. The drafting department also painted designs on it so it actually looked like a sky with many little angels and doves flying around.

"Come on. Quilrie's waiting for us at the common ground." Craeian beckoned him to leave and the two went to the common ground to meet Quillrie.

He's already there with Yatch. And as expected, he still looks upset because of Quin.

"Is there anything left to do? Aren't we just waiting for the staffs to finish up the dormitory?" Craeian asked.

"They'll finish it in two days. The new professors are also arriving tonight so all the council have to be there to bring them to their quarters. But for now, we should pay Father Roran a visit regarding Prince's state." Quillrie stated in one go.

The other two didn't pressed more question since they've been contemplating when to meet with the priest as well.

The classes are still going but Quillrie decided to excuse the officers. He didn't excused Qaeus because he insists to stay in their class for some reason. But Quillrie thought he's probably trying hard to remember what happened when he got drugged.


Hi. I know it's been a while since I last updated. But I'm back here and reread the entire story.

I honestly got surprised that I thought the story is too good to be left behind so I decided to continue this with the help of a few requests on hand. Although updates won't be that frequent, I'll try to fill in all those months that I haven't been able to update the story.

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