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"It's not yet over." Qaeus mumbled as he straight up glared at Quin.

The way how she smirks at the two of them infuriates him to the bones.

"What do you mean?" Qaelust asked as she too wasn't moving her gaze from her sister.

"She's no longer your sister." He said and Qaelust immediately whipped her head to Qaeus.

"What are you talking about? Do you need a certificate to prove that we're blood related?"

"Are you two alright?" Skye asked the two when she finally noticed Qaeus and Quin glaring at each other.

The others stopped talking and looked at them with curious expressions.

"Apparently. Your bestfriend Amara hates us being together." Qaeus spoke rather loudly allowing everyone to hear.

Just the mention of the name made Qaeus' friends widened their eyes. Goosebumps all over their skins whilst the memories of a specific spirit returns to invade their minds.
Although except Prince since he still can't remember the part where they got almost killed by evil spirits.

"A-amara? T-that b**ch!?" Laudemer growled shakily with a deadly gaze playing in his eyes.

"You guys know her too?" Silver asked in surprise. She already knows who Amara is after Qaelust told her about the said ghost.

The officers are equally surprised that Silver knows her too.

"I thought the spirits are gone! Don't tell me that fu**ing bi**h is still on the loose! Of all fu**ing souls!!!" Yatch lashed as she practically screamed her lungs out.

"Where the hell is she now!? How did she get out of the castle!?" Craeian questioned and they all looked at Qaeus who still managed to put a blank expression on his face.

"I'll show you where she is."

He said and the next thing he did took everyone by surprise.
He turned to Qaelust and held her by the waist. He pulled her in only a split second and pressed their lips together. He could hear everyone gasp at what he did but he could care less about that right now.

All that in his mind is the kiss they share that Qaelust eventually responded to. Would be the last good thing for the two to happen before everything goes rouge.

While everyone are too busy too react. They weren't able to act immediately when Quin suddenly dashed towards them and ripped them off from each other.

Qaeus was harshly pushed to his friends causing all of them to stumble on the seats. While Quin shoved Qaelust to the back and started punching her face mercilessly. Calling her ludicrous names in complete outrage.
Qaelust fought back but Quin is somehow impossibly stronger.

Qaeus immediately stood up and bolted to Quin. He pulled her hair without hesitation and threw a punch on her face. He didn't even care if it's still Quin's body. All he could feel is the hatred he have for the same spirit that tormented him since he was a boy.

"What's going on in there!!?" They heard father Roran yelled from the driver's seat. There's a partition dividing their seats so he couldn't actually see what's happening.

"Qaeus stop!!!" Craeian and Quillrie immediately tried to stop him from damaging the girl's face further. She's already drooling with blood while smiling coyly at everyone.

The girls immediately went to check Qaelust. While Quillrie and Craeian decided to strap Quin on one of the seats.
Yatch was holding Qaeus because he's still trying to punch Quin now that she suddenly started laughing maniaclly. Laudemer on the other hand is at the other end with Prince. The youngest looked too stunned to speak and he's trembling which only worried Laudemer more than he already was.

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