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As soon as Quillrie spotted Laudemer carrying Yatch. He immediately run to them and carried the girl with him.

"Are you sure no one saw them?" Craeian asked the girls and they only nodded.

"Why did we take them here? Shouldn't we take them to the clinic or did you called the nurse already?" Selene questioned but Craeian only gestured them to stay quiet.

The boys led them to the Headmistress' room. They were quite surprised to see Prince in there. Lying on the bed unconscious with Silver asleep sitting beside him.

Quillrie and Qaeus placed the girls on the vacant couch. Just as then Father Roran and the headmistress entered. Surprising the girls in the process.

"Let's go!" Craeian said and pulled the girls out of the room.

They failed to protest of staying after Craeian pulled them.

"T-that's Father Roran right? He's really here?" Skye exclaimed and covered her mouth in shock.

"What happened to Prince?" Laudemer asked. Even the girls gave a questioning look to Quillrie and Craeian.

"I think some parts of his memories returned to him. The nurse said he'll be alright. So would you mind telling us what happened to the girls?" Quillrie asked them trying to refrain himself from lashing out again.

"We don't know. We just found them like that." Laudemer answered and sat on the bench beside Qaeus.

"Father Roran will take care of them. So we can be at ease for now." Craeian said followed by an exasperated sigh.

"Did something go wrong? When you were at the garden?" Qaeus asked only allowing a loud silence to take over their conversation.

It lasted for a few seconds. Enough for them to decipher the answer. Only thing is that they failed to accept it.

"We can discuss about it... Once those three gets better..." Quillrie said with his lowering voice as he rubbed his temples.

It was too early for something like this to happen.
The lair has been opened. What else could go worse this time?
Quillrie mumbled between his thoughts.

"It's gonna be okay Rie! We'll get through this!" Craeian said to the younger while patting his shoulder.

He eventually broke into tears. All his emotions attacking him mercilessly at the same time.

He was so worried for Yatchelus. He promised to protect her but this happened. If only he didn't disregard her call earlier. He wouldn't have this so much regrets.

Not to mention that the gate has been opened and all those savages probably escaped already. And they will never stop bothering him and his friends until they get what they want.

Things have changed so much. And just like Laudemer kept saying. What they did before to survive won't work anymore.

"Everything is just about to start. We can't break down like this! Okay?" Craeian said with a firm tone trying to motivate the boy.

They know Quillrie to be the bravest among them. He may be goofey or idiotic sometimes. He may be a badass and a lovesick who can't live the day without seeing his girlfriend's face.

But he's never had a record of backing out at anything. He may be afraid but it's what keeps him going even more. He's brave and reliable. He always do everything in his power to make sure he and his friends will survive.

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