ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13

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"She did that?" Quillrie asked, his expression looked dumbfounded.

The council officers just finished their daily patrol during their allotted time and now waiting at the main park for their 5 minutes roll call.

Quillrie and Qaeus are the first ones to arrive. Allowing both of them to discuss about this certain matter.

"The rumours spreaded way faster than we expected. Since then, I've noticed she hadn't return to the garden until today..." Qaeus mumbled as he recalls all he saw while secretly following the girl.

"She came back?"

"Not really. She only stood in front of the gate. The usual as if she's talking to someone... Then she picked a broken gas lamp from the trash can..." he said and the scenarios that occured earlier played back to his mind.

"She went to the old church..." Qaeus said referring to the abandoned building.

"And from there, she started running and screaming. I tried calling her but she couldn't hear me... When I blocked her path, she screamed at my face like I'm a ghost or what!" He scoffed folding his arms on his chest.

"It's a good thing you were watching her back. If not, she would definitely crack her head open!" Quillrie chuckled.

A few more minutes and the rest of the officers arrived. They started the roll call and finished immediately. The officers then went back to their own rooms.


Quillrie was summoned by the headmistress for school purposes. He was send to an orphanage along with his secretary early in the morning. In order to take care about the new transfer students that will arrive at the castle next month.

The current students of Daenerys University are around the average from 3rd grade to junior high.
And since their school began to offer to accept any student from kindergarten to elementary students. The student council officers were given another task to take care of the matter.

"I already emailed Quin about the files of the transferees! She's discussing it with the council..." Yatch said while arranging the papers according to their schoolyear.

Quillrie on the other hand is busy reviewing the first set of the files that Yatch arranged earlier.

The couple are travelling on a car owned by the headmistress. One of the brothers in training to be a deacon came to drive for them.

"The headmistress had been planning to invite young students for a long time. I guess she already found new sponsors to help us with the necessities!" Quillrie said taking the next set of files from Yatch.

"I've seen the dormitory for the kids. I don't think they'll be separated by gender until the next building at your territory is finished!" The girl replied. Referring to the building that are still under construction at the boys' territory.

"It will take some time. Especially with the rumours going on around the castle. I just hope it doesn't scare the kids..." Quillrie mumbled finishing his reviewing.

They returned the stack of files back to the black case and waited for the car to arrive to their destination.

After a while...

"Are you sure you won't come with us?" Quillrie asked the brother.

"No. I'll wait for you here!" He said and smiled at the two. "I don't think you'll want a third wheel with your quality time with her!" He chuckled before gesturing them to go.

Quillrie playfully winked at him before he pulled Yatch with him to the orphanage.
The brother that drove for them insisted to stay and play with the kids while the two can go to the office by themselves.

It didn't took them long to locate the office where they met with the nun in charge of the orphanage, Sister Wana.

Quillrie started their meeting with Yatch doing her job as his secretary.
The meeting lasted for an hour and a half before it came to an end. Both side agreeing on each of their terms.

"We'll be returning next month to fetch them then!" Yatch said slipping her records in her folder.

"Thanks for having us!" Quillrie said before they left.

"Where's brother Luigi?" Yatch asked when she noticed that the said brother has gone missing.

They searched for him at the park where all the children are currently playing. But then he isn't there.

"Hmmm. Maybe he just want us to stay for a while!" Quillrie whispered smiling cheekily.

"Besides! We've done our job here! We're also excused from our class!" He added as he wrapped his arms around the girl's waist.

"Get off!" Yatch immediately swatted his hand away. Seeing that there's kids around them.

"We have to go back! We need to bring Sister Wana's letter to the headmistress!" She scolded and decided to just drag her childish boyfriend with her back to the car.

The brother is not there too so they decided to just wait.
Quillrie took that chance to tell Yatchelus what Qaeus had told him yesterday.
The girl was overly shocked yet worried at the same time.

"If they're really everywhere... why can't we see them?" She asked. The feeling of being able to see them bothers her to want it or not.

"Maybe because of what happened. I'm just really worried for Prince and Laudemer..." he said playing with Yatch's fingers.

"Prince had no idea that a ghost is still latching on him like a parasite. And with Laudemer being able to see them, Craeian told me that he's scared. And that he just won't show it because he don't want us to be scared too..." he stated, his voice lowering down.

"Is it still there? That parasite?" She asked referring to the ghost that latched itself on Prince.

Quillrie responded with a nod. He snaked her waist and dugged his head on her shoulder. Probably seeking for warm comfort he can only simply find from her.

"Atleast we have each other right? Promise we'll stay brave together..." he asked and she nodded her head.

Yatch twisted her body to face him. He was pouting wearing a mixture of fear and sad expression.

"I will never be afraid of those motherf**kers! As long as you and I are together..." she whispered staring right into his deep brown orbs.

She pulled him closer, closing any possible distance. Their lips placed on each other like a missing pieces of puzzle reunited with each other.
The kiss wasn't intense. No tounges involved. A slow one that simply tells their affections for each other.

Quillrie pulled her incredibly closer. Almost squeezing her small physique with his tight grip on his waist. It's almost impossible for him to let her go in any way.

They separated for a short while to give each a chance to breathe. But only a second passed and they reconnected their lips once more. Totally discarding any presence that will try to bother them.

Yatch pulled a fist of his dark mullet hair. Pulling him closer and closer. Her eyes closed savoring every seconds that passes.

Both too distracted by each other's attention that they barely notice the presence that's been watching them for a while now.

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