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Dinner Party
Great Hall

Varieties of foods are prepared everywhere. All lined up presentably on the buffet prepared by Craeian and Laudemer. But mostly Laudemer since the other forgotten about this task. Luckily for him that his partner is always ready to back him up.

A lot of students are already eating after the opening prayer and speech. The headmistress also came only to greet the transferees but left immediately like she always would.

Their headmistress isn't really that fond of going out of her office. Some of the students even called her vampire because nobody sees her go out whenever the sun shows up. They also heard from her secretary that her office is always dark.

"How long until this party ends?" Qaeus asked lazily having his friends' eyes divert to him.

"The party just started for like 10 minutes ago! Don't tell me you're bored already!" Craeian snorted at him spinning the pasta with his fork.

The four are gathered in one table that was specifically reserved for them. Quillrie is the only one who wasn't there as he's probably searching again for his other half.

"Atleast appreciate the party we worked hard to prepare!" Laudemer told him while arranging the breads on his plate.

"Hey! I want that pink one! Can I have it?!" Prince tried to grab one of Laudemer's pink bread but the latter swatted his hand away causing the younger to pout.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my masterpiece! Get your own bread yourself!" He scolded pulling the plate away from the younger's reach.

But without him looking, Qaeus simply took the pink bread that Prince liked and casually threw it to him. The younger caught it perfectly and sprinted away to escape.

Laudemer immediately yelled at the two and tried to chase Prince who's already running with the bread on his mouth.

Craeian facepalmed himself trying not receive second hand embarassment from the two chasing each other just because of a small pastry.

But who can blame Laudemer, he's just crazy for bread and there's Prince whose day won't be completed if he doesn't annoy atleast one of his friends. And unfortunately, Laudemer became his target tonight.

"I can't with this kids!" Craeian huffed eating the pasta just as when Selene and Skye appeared in front of them out of nowhere, making Craeian choke on his food in surprise.

The girls laughed at his hilarious reaction and waited for him to finish drinking the apple juice beside his plate.

"Are you alright?" Skye chuckled folding her arms.

"What is it?" Craeian asked wiping his mouth with a clean tissue.

"Oh! We were wondering if you guys have seen Yatch! I'm pretty sure she's probably just with Quillrie but she's not answering her phone!" Selene explained with worries evident on her face.

"I'll call Rie..." Qaeus said and pulled out his phone from his pocket. He dialed Quillrie's number which the name 'lovesick jerk' is written on top of it.

"What is it?" They heard Rie's voice but only seconds later and they heard Yatch groaning.

"The f**k! Was that Yatch!?" Craeian whisper yelled while mentally panicking. Even the girl's reactions are priceless thinking that they must've interfered something.

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