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"Hey! San! Come here!" The staff called his friend as soon as they arrived at their quarters.

San removed his apron and approached his friend. He greeted Quillrie and Yatch as soon as he recognized them.

"We were told that you escorted Quin Ryx somewhere around the school. Can you tell us where that is?" Quillrie asked. Not beating around the bush.

"Yes! I did. They went to the old garden at the church. The one rumoured as the spirits' nest." San said followed by a low chuckle.

The couple immediately looked at each other with a bewildered expression.

Of all places she can go.
Why the garden?

"They're probably just going to drink since they asked me to bring them the same wine that will be handed to the sponsors. I just got back from delivering it to them." San said while scratching the back of his neck.

"They?" Yatch questioned twitching her brows.

"She left with two girls with her. I don't know their name but I've seen them around the school." San said.

"Those drinks are prohibited in the party! Throw everything away. If someone in the party ends up drinking it! I will hold everyone in this quarters accountable!" Quillrie warned with his voice screaming with full authority.

"Let's go!" Yatch held Quillrie on his arm and slightly pulled him.

The boy shot one last glare to the staffs before he left the quarters with Yatch.

"Of all places. Why would that b**ch go to that place!" Yatch scoffed.

Who would have known that the place they were purposely trying to avoid. Is where they're going to right now.

Once the staffs saw Yatch and Quillrie are now far away.

"Lee. Were you able to hand one atleast?" San asked wearing a deadpan expression.

"I did. Just one. Unfortunately, he's not a sponsor." Lee Know replied as they both gathered all the wine bottles that was given by Quin.

"I think that's better than nothing. But who drink it?" San asked and halted for a moment.

A smirk etched on Lee Know's face before uttering. "Qaeus Helveryst."


"I think that's it. We've swept the whole venue. I don't think the drinks was handed out to anyone." Prince said in relief as they returned to their tables.

They've been wandering around the whole venue for a good ten minutes and found nothing of the liquors.

Qaeus stood beside Prince and leaned closer to the table. He didn't bother to join Prince and Silver's conversation as he was actually feeling weird.

Qaeus doesn't know whether he have a low or high tolerance of alcohol. But with the dizzy feeling he have right now. It must be the wine that's already kicking in.

But I only had like one glass.

Qaeus decided to just sleep it off. So he bid his farewell to the two and said he's tired.
Prince wanted to accompany him but didn't wanna leave Silver in the party alone either.

"I'm fine. It's probably just that wine kicking in!" Qaeus chuckled patting Prince on his shoulder.

"You drank like one glass only Qaeus! You get drunk easily!" Silver said playfully earning her a scoff from the boy who for once dyed his hair black just for the sake of being seen by the sponsors.

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