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As soon as the bell rang, Qaelust immediately stood up and went to the canteen.

She figured Quin is probably waiting there already given of how excited she looked last night.

Silver insisted to come with her but after hearing about Quin, she said she'll talk to the rest of the girls for her.
After all, both of them were instructed to stay with the girls all the time.

As soon as Qaelust arrived at the canteen, she scanned the whole area with her eyes looking for her sister.

A slight frown made its way to her face. Not seeing her at any seat or any corner.

She decided to choose a seat for them and went near the window at the corner. She didn't bother to take an order as she chose to wait for Quin.

Qaelust was never the type of person to wait for anyone. Even for her only friend; Silver. So the girl had to adjust with her and make sure she won't let Qaelust wait for her.

But this is the first time she's actually waiting for someone. Patiently.

A half an hour have gone by and she never once saw a trace of her sister appear at the entrance she's been staring at the whole time.

Did she ditched me?

She rolled her eyes followed by a scoff.

She's probably busy being their Queen and all...
She muttered in her mind and was ready to leave.

She stood up but before she can step away from her seat, someone grabbed her wrist.

She turned around to see Qaeus carrying a tray of food with his other hand. The other is the one grabbing her wrist.

"I didn't know you can wait!" The boy chuckled and smiled at her.

"And clearly! It's not you I'm waiting for..." Qaelust snapped and pulled back her wrist. "What do you want?" She asked and crossed her arms.

Qaeus placed the tray on the table and pushed it close to her. He tilted his head wearing a taunting smile as he beckoned her to eat.

"Eat. I noticed you haven't had anything since you sat here!" He said only to earn a glare from the girl.

"Were you watching me?" She hissed leaning closer to Qaeus, her eyes taunting him back.

"Iam!" The boy casually said making the girl retreat and sat with a scoff.

He's always straightforward...

Qaeus sat on the seat across hers and watched her pick the cutleries.

"And why would you watch me?" She asked as she starts eating.

Honestly. She's really starving.

"Don't worry! It's not intentional! I saw you come here by yourself which is odd. You were suppose to join my friends since yesterday. But seeing you here makes me assume that you're probably meeting Quin!" He stated making the girl paused eating at the mention of Quin's name.

She looked at him for a short second before proceeding back to eat.

"What makes you think I'm waiting for her?" She asked. Annoyed of the fact that she actually waited for someone only to be ditched.

"You know no one else here aside from Silver and my friends! And if you're going to say you're waiting for Lorreta. Nah! I can clearly tell you loathes her the way how your eyes glare at her as if you're burning her alive!" The boy stated followed by a derisive chuckle.

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