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Prince had already climbed the three leaving Qaeus staring up to them.
The red haired male sighed and reached his IV stand to Prince.

"Shucks! I forgot you had these!" Prince chuckled.

"Can you climb?" Qaelust asked offering her hand.

"Oh please! Easy as blinking!" Qaeus scoffed and started climbing. He tried to igmore wincing when he felt the syringe hurting his wrist.

Qaeus successfully climbed the three and settled close to Qaelust.
The atmosphere became quite awkward now that they're facing each other.

"Why are you wearing your pajamas?" Prince suddenly asked when he noticed Qaeus' clothes.

"Oh. This." Qaeus suddenly frowned.

Why am I wearing my pajamas? I clearly remember I was wearing my suit.
He thought while fumbling the fabric of his shirt.

"I... I don't remember..." he admitted looking at the three innocently.

'What on earth had I been doing that I don't remember anything???'

"Well. Why did you want to see me?" Qaelust suddenly asked making the boy turn to look at her.

And there he saw peeking behind her hair. A purplish marks that was decorating from her lower left ear down to her neck.

It wasn't that obvious if Qaelust kept her hair down. But if anyone sits on her left side, the marks will be easily spotted.

Qaeus' cheeks quickly flushed red. As he remembered what Prince told him of what he did.

Of course, the boy's flushed expression while staring at Qaelust didn't go unnoticed by Silver and Prince.

The two exchanged sheepish looks with each other. Anticipating of what to comes next.

"I... C-can we talk... p-privately?" Qaeus asked making the other couple groan.

"Come on! We literally ditched class for this! We helped you see each other! Atleast let us mffhjm!!!" Prince's whines was cut off by Silver when she covered his mouth with her hand.

"You guys talk! We'll go somewhere else to secure the area!" Silver said smiling sheepishly at Qaelust. She then glowered at Prince, ushering him to shut up.

Prince sulked and handed the IV drip back to Qaeus. The two jumped off the tree and hid to another place to give privacy for the two.

Now that it's just the two of them. Qaeus felt more nervous.
And the sight of the marks on her neck weren't helping at all.

"Well? It's just the two of us here now." Qaelust mumbled. Avoiding the boy's sharp gaze.

"I... I don't mean to be rude... O-or make you feel uncomfortable..."

"But... D-did I do that?..." Qaeus tried to remain compose as much as he could. But deep inside, he knows he's so close to explode or just jump off the tree and run away.

Qaelust held her neck as an attempt to cover her hickeys. Slowly, she nodded her head while averting her gaze from the boy.

Qaeus bit his lip. He did that but he can't remember anything except the part when he saw Craeian, Selene and Ace running towards him.
And then the rest were blurred and unclear to him.

"A-are you angry at me?" He asked. His mind having a mental breakdown not knowing how her answer will affect him.

"No. I understand why you did this. You weren't in the right state of mind." The girl huffed and looked bluntly at Qaeus. And the boy had now wore a deadpanned expression like hers.

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