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"Man parting ways is such sweet sorrow! How many hours until the free hour?" Quillrie whined clinging on his girlfriend's arm like a koala.

The school didn't prohibited them to date unlike other catholic schools. As long as their grades and reputation doesn't flunk, the school doesn't stop them from dating and trying out new things.

Yatch rolled her eyes probably 180 degrees and shoved the boy away to his friends.

"Rie! You're not even a slug! Get out of my sight before I smack your f**king head!" Yatch glowered shooting dagger glares at him.

"Aww! Is that your way of showing love to each other?" Prince dramatically teased them both, only to earn him both a glare and a smirk from the infamous couple.

"Come on! Don't look at him like that! You're scaring our baby!" Quillrie pouted placing his left arm on the younger's shoulder.

"He's a f**king big baby..." Yatch mumbled raising a brow at them.

"Come on! We only have a couple of minutes left. We don't wanna be late on our first day!" Skye chuckled pulling the girls with her waving goodbyes at the boys.

"Come on Rie!" Laudemer called pulling the love bird with them who was still clinging on Prince.

"Did you guys saw Qaeus? I mean, he was just sitting with me at the orientation earlier!" Prince mumbled trying to free himself from Quillrie's grasp.

"He's probably searching a quiet place to hibernate!" Craeian chuckled which soon turned into laughter along with Quillrie and Laudemer but the youngest doesn't seem to understand.

Unfortunately, he's too slow-witted sometimes that he couldn't understand even the simplest things. Nevertheless, his friends adored him for it and treated him like their own little brother.

"Hibernate? Isn't that a thing for animals only?" Prince finally got off from Quillrie's grasp giving them a very dumbfounded expression.

"Yeah! Because Qaeus is a squirrel! Let's go!" Laudemer said while chuckling and they began to run to their classrooms.

It would be a bad record if the student council's president got late on his first day right? Including his friends who's also top models of the school.


"Craeian! Are you even listening to me?" Laudemer scoffed giving the latter a sarcastic look.

Craeian was so busy staring at his table as if it's made out of gem. And maybe staring at it will eventually make the gems appear like a fairy dust and form into a beautiful fairy.

"Craeian!!!" Laudemer slammed his left hand on his table snapping the boy from his trance.

Their first subject just finished and Craeian has been lost in his thoughts almost half an hour before the class ended. The deacon shared them a topic about infatuation. And it seems to have hit him so bad first thing in the morning.

"Dude! I was like calling your name a thousand times! Are you a deaf or you're just an idiot who got love at first sight on his table!" Laudemer snickered folding his arms and raising a brow at him.

"What is it?" Craeian asked completely dumbfounded.

"Confirmed... You are an idiot!" He scoffed causing the older male to frown.

"Just tell me! What have gotten you so riled up that you had to disturb my staring battle with my oh-so-beaitiful table which obviously is more interesting to look at than your awful face! Can't you see I'm fu**ing winning!?" Craeian retorted rolling his eyes at him.

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