ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

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"Will you stop looking at your phone!? For goodness sake!" Qaeus growled at Quillrie. Scolding him for the 5th time.

He's been checking his phone from time to time. Waiting for Yatch to send him a message or call him. He got a new one last week when they went to the city.
She does that like everyday. But today seems to be an exception. It's not like he did anything to make her mad. They were just good last night.

"Why didn't she called me yet? Did I do something wrong?" He whined and fished out his phone to check again.

But before he can tap the message box, Qaeus snatched the phone and placed it in his pocket.

"Hey! Give it back!" He ordered but Qaeus remained still.

"What if she's really mad at me? What the f**k did I do this time!?" He groaned and flopped his head on his desk.

"Rie! It's okay! You probably did something to upset her!" Prince chuckled while patting his back.

"Tsh. You both are not even helping!" He glowered at the two.

"Pay attention! We're in class!" Qaeus scolded them both with a glare.

After a half an hour, their class ended and so they will have to wait for the next one.
Quillrie claimed his phone and began calling Yatch.
And after trying for the seventh time. She fin'lly answered the call.

"God!!! Did I do something wrong? Tell me please! Whatever it is I'm sorry okay?" He said immediately, some of their classmates giving him sheepish looks.

"R-rie?" A frown made its way to his face upon recognizing his sister's voice.

"Skye? Why the fu** do you have my girlfriend's phone!?" He asked and Prince and Qaeus immediately frowned at him.

"We can't find them! Qaelust and Yatch! They were in the room just a while ago! We can't find them!" Skye cried on the other line.

Thankfully, Quillrie didn't put the call on speaker so no one else would hear their conversation.

He immediately walked out of the room with Prince and Qaeus tailing him. Their classmates assuming that Quillrie probably just got into a fight with his girlfriend.

"What the hell is wrong this time?" Qaeus asked as they tail Quillrie to stay far from any students that can hear them.

"Skye! Tell me where you are! Now!" He ordered.

"We're at the building for the children. The workers haven't arrived yet so we couldn't ask anyone else. We didn't wanna call you but we don't know what to do anymore!" The girl cried.

"Stay where you are! We're coming!" Quillrie said before he ended the call.

"Qaeus! Call Laudemer and Craeian and tell them to go to the building at the girl's territory! Right now!" He ordered only to earn him a frown.

"Are you insane!? Do I have to repeat 'girl's territory' to you!? We're not allowed to enter that area!" Qaeus exclaimed.

"Just fu**ing do as I say! And you!" He turned to Prince who looked completely confused and a bit scared of Quillrie.

"Go back to class now!" He said and was about to walk away with Qaeus who's now trying to call Laudemer.

"N-no!" Prince said making the two older to halt on their tracks.

"I'm coming! If you think you can still continue to keep things like this from me! Well too bad! Because you can't!" Prince mumbled trying not to sound angry at them. Even though he really is angry.

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