ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16

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"We're here..." Quillrie said as they all stood before the old gates of the garden.

"Look. The lock is broken!" Craeian pointed at the lock that already dropped on the ground.

The boys remained standing on their spot while Silver walked closer to the gate.

She don't see anything else there. The white mists that always made the garden creeped and cold. It's gone. Although there are still some heavy presence around, not like the first time when she saw it.

"Come on. We won't find them if you guys stand right there!" Silver said to the three before she opened the gate, at first the boys almost yelled to stop her.

But she effortlessly opened the gate with her brows raised at them with sarcasm.

"We are the one alive. We shouldn't be afraid of them!" Silver said even though she feels the exact opposite.

"Silver. Any sane person should know what they should and shouldn't be afraid of!" Craeian said. "This is definitely a should!" He added urging the girl to step back.

"So what if we're afraid Craeian? Where's the fun if you're not afraid of trespassing the savages' lair?" Prince nervously chuckled as he walked to Silver. Helping her open the other side of the gate.

"Don't tell me a girl can beat you with the guts of entering this place!" He mocked the two and casually entered the garden without any of their permission.

Silver followed him in, leaving the two outside. Quillrie and Craeian exchanged worried and afraid looks with each other before they hesitantly followed the two inside.

And right after they went in, the gate banged close making the older boys panic. Craeian ran to the gate to try and open it. But his face immediately said everything.

The gate is locked again as if the lock has never been touched at all.

"They're not here." Silver immediately shifted her gaze to the far end of the garden.

There she saw the ghost whom Qaelust befriended. The ghost named Amara.

She's still here huh.

"Where are they?" Silver asked as she walk closer to her. The boys' reactions couldn't be painted anymore.

Eyes widened as they watch her walk closer to the tombstones.

"You brought me my friends. I should be thankful." Amara said and looked straight to Prince.

Silver noticed how the ghost that was latching herself on Prince, moved away by her own will. The way she saw it, the ghost is afraid of Amara.

What is she afraid of? They're both ghosts! Is she the leader here or what?
In anycase, atleast that parasite is no longer latching herself on Prince.

"Sooner or later. We will regain what is ours. And you and your friends will help us!" Amara said with pure confidence as she slowly strutted around Prince.

"We won't take part of any of your stupid plans! Tell us where our friends are!" She yelled at the ghost only to scare the boys even more.

"Will you stop yelling and screaming?! Respect the dead please!" Craeian whisper yelled at the girl. His eyes constantly scanning the place.

"Who are you talking to?" Prince asked quietly.

Silver didn't gave any response to his question. Instead she gave the ghost a death glare who simply smiled at her. And it seriously annoys her wits.

"Whoever you are!!! F**king move on! You're already dead! Just leave us alone!!!" Quillrie suddenly started yelling at nowhere.

Craeian tried to shut off his mouth but Quillrie looked so pissed that he wanted to disrespect intentionally all the bad spirits that are listening to him.

"If you ever touch my baby! I swear to my death! I'm gonna follow you to hell and decapitate you all! Do you hear me!!? I'm going to make you all regret this!!!"

"Quillrie! Just shut your da** mouth!!!" Craeian had no choice but to grab his collar to snap him out.

Quillrie was already tearing up. He's pissed. Angry. Worried and scared. He just wanted to see Yatchelus again.

"Let's just search for them! Then let's get out of this place!" Prince said and the other three finally agreed.

Silver tried to ignore Amara as much as she could. She knows if she just look, they'll eventually...

"Prince!? Prince!!!" The girl immediately stopped and her eyes went searching for the said boy.

She spotted him on Quillrie's arms. He was clutching his head while groaning to what seems like an endless pain.

And he kept saying 'shut up! Just shut up!'

"What happened to him?" Craeian asked as he started checking him.

"Make it stop! Please make it stop!" The boy cried while almost squeezing his own head.

"It's his memories. Some of the fragments are returning to him." Amara said as she watch the boy trying to bear the pain.

"Come on! We need to leave this place now!" Craeian said and carried Prince on his back.

"How! The gates are locked!" Silver exclaimed but they still ran towards the gate.

She gave the boys a confusing look when Qiillrie pulled out an old key from his pocket. She remember she saw it from Qaeus before they separated their ways earlier.

And when Quillrie was about to use it to open the lock, Silver saw from her peripheral vision of how Amara let out a wicked and victorious smile.

"Stop!!!" She yelled and stopped Quillrie by snatching the key from his hand.

"What are you doing!!? We have to get Prince out of here!!!" Quillrie glowered at her making her almost jump from her spot.

"This is exactly what she wants!" She said and looked for Amara but she's nowhere to be seen anymore.

"If we use this to open the gate. They will really get out. And this time, all of them!" She said. Tears are already forming in her eyes.

Quillrie and Craeian understands what exactly she's trying to say. But the more they hear Prince groaning in pain, the air they breathe feels like it's getting lesser and lesser.

"Whatever happens. Happens!" Quillrie said and snatched back the key from Silver. He opened the lock and moved the gate for Craeian to move.

As soon as the gate opened, a strong wave of wind threw them out. Banging the gates wide open.

All four of them fell on the ground due to the sudden impact.

Quillrie wasted no more seconds and stood up. He ran to the gate and locked it even though it's already pointless.

"Let's go!" Craeian said firmly and carried Prince who already passed out.

They ran to the infirmary, not knowing of what is waiting for them.

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