The Beginning

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This story is in your POV
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I woke up, but opening my eyes made no difference. I couldn't see anything. "W-What..." I felt walls on all sides of me except for my front, so I reached out and pushed, making the locker I was in fling open. "A-ah, I was in a locker." I walked out, but the moment I did, I fell over. I thankfully caught myself, but I can't say the same for the girl in the room next to mine. "Ahh!"

I got up and looked around. I was in a classroom, but I can't say it was a normal one. Instead of a whiteboard, there was a green screen, and there was this machine-looking thing on the wall. There were desks like very other classroom, but the windows were blocked by some red bar wire. I saw the door and decided that I would check on whoever that voice was that I heard earlier.

I heard another thump from the room next door, this one seeming to be louder. "Hnngh..." Oh, a new voice. It sounded like a boy this time.

I tried opening the door, but then I hear a boy's voice from the room I was in. "U-uhm..." I turned around and saw this purple haired boy in a school uniform. It wasn't the same as mine, so I assumed that he didn't go to the same school as I do. "Uh, who are you?" I asked. "I-I'm Kokichi Ouma... what's your name?" He asked. "I'm Y/N L/N." He smiled, slightly. "Nice to meet you."

He seemed shy, so I decided not to make small talk with him. I turned around and tried twisting the doorknob again, but then I here a yell. "Y/N!" I turn around to see this large machine, a bit like a futuristic robot. Hearing yells from the room next to mine, I guess it's safe to assume that they're in the same situation as us.

I grab Kokichi's hand and we ran down the stairs, taking a few turns until we end up at a door. "Well, it's not a dead end until there's nowhere else to go." I tell myself. I push open the door and see other people, also in school uniforms. "Oh, more people have arrived!" The girl with white hair said.

"Did you get chased by that monster, too?" The magenta haired one said. I nodded and looked around. I saw a blonde girl with clips in her hair, my eyes widening. "Wait... Kaede?" She looked up and her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, Y/N!" She ran up to me. "You got kidnapped, too?" I nodded and looked around.

"Wait... we're all high schoolers?" All of them looked around and nodded. "Seems like it. And you two are the sixteenth and seventeenth people to arrive." The one with green hair and piercings stated.

"Who.. are you guys?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible. The green haired boy smiled. "Well, I'm Rantaro Amami. I'll leave it at that for now."

"Anyway, why does it matter of there's 16 of us. There might be more coming."

Rantaro crossed his arms. "Nah, I don't think so. If this is what I think this is, anyway." The girl with her hair in pigtails raised a brow. "'If this is what you think it is?'"

The girl with messy blonde hair abruptly started yelling. "What, you some kind of know-it-all? If you know something, spit it out!" I covered my ears to muffle the noise. I didn't really like the fact that she was swearing and yelling at the same time, especially since it was our first time meeting.

Then, a new voice echoed throughout the room. It sounded like it was from a P.A. or something.

"Okay, quiet down everybody!"

The girl glasses eyes went wide. "Who was that?" I looked around. Everyone seemed to look surprised so I didn't think it was any of them.

Suddenly, the same machines that chased us into this gymnasium appeared. I held onto Kaede's arm as we heard the machines start laughing. "Thanks for bearing with us!"I tilted my head.

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