A Normal Life

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It was finally the day. Finally the day that Maki, Tenko, Kaito, Ryoma, and Kokichi would go on to the next city.

"It's the final city in the country." Makoto assured you that morning. "They'll be back before you know it."

You smiled and nodded. "I know... but still. It feels like we just got to see each other again." Makoto nodded. "I get it. Do you want to go with them instead...?" You shook your head. "I promised Kyoko I'd help her with work, so that's what I'll do.

That night, you saw Peko making her way to the front entrance. "Hey Peko!"

She turned and you ran up to her. "Hey, are you guys going now?" She nodded. "Young master said that we must leave before dawn so that the helicopter flies in the darkness." You followed her outside and saw the rest of the people going to the next town.

"Mind Reader!" You looked around and saw no trace of the little prankster until someone tapped your head. When you tilted your head to see the reason for that little tap you felt, you saw Kokichi sitting on top of the helicopter.

"Kokichi, get down. It's dangerous."

"Still quite the parent, huh Y/N?"

You sighed and moved away from the helicopter. "Get down." He sighed and jumped, expecting you to catch him.

"K-Kokichi!!" You held out your arms as the boy grabbed onto you, Kaito supporting you from behind. "Thanks Kaito. Kokichi!"

He grinned and wrapped his legs around you as well. "Kokichi, we need to get going." Fuyuhiko yelled from the helicopter.

Kokichi stuck out his bottom lip. "Can't you come?"

"Kokichi, you know why I can't."

After he was pried off you, he sat in the helicopter. "Mind Reader doesn't like me anymore." He sobbed. You chuckled and looked at Fuyuhiko. "Just so you know, his favourite drink is grape panta. It might calm him down."

The short yakuza leader sighed. "I'm not sure how you handle him." You crossed your arms and sighed as well. "I don't know either. But! He's quite sweet once you get to know him."

"No." Maki said.

Himiko suddenly ran past you and embraced Tenko in a big hug, with Angie following. "Don't go, Tenko!" She yelled. Angie crossed her arms. "It would greatly sadden Himiko and I for you to go, but Atua says it must be done."

You smiled with a sweat drop. We're still on the Atua thing, huh? Tenko put her hands on Himiko's shoulders. "I'll be back eventually. Now, your job is to keep the degenerates at bay with Y/N!"

Himiko wiped away her tears. "O-okay..."

Shuichi came outside with a bittersweet smile. "So Kaito and Maki are leaving, huh...?" You grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the helicopter. "Come on, emo boy, you need to say bye, too."

With a yelp, Shuichi was dragged towards the helicopter by you and in front Kaito and Maki. "There, no say bye." He scratched the back of his neck with a forced smile on his face.

"Wow, you're just... great at this." You walked away and sat next to Kokichi, who was sitting at the entrance of the helicopter with his legs dangling. 

"Hey Kokichi." You leaned your head on his shoulder and he put his hand on your leg. "Hi Mind Reader. Did you realize that you'd miss me?"

"I didn't need to realize that."

You put your hand over his and he smiled. "Of course you would. Anyone would." You looked at he and noticed he was side glancing at you, making you squeezed his hand. "Yeah... of course they would."

He laughed. "You're cute, Mind Reader."

Nekomaru guffawed at the sight. "Ah, young love!" You blushed and lifted your head, covering your cheeks with your hands. 

"Alright, alright, let's get moving." Fuyuhiko said. You gave Kokichi a kiss on the cheek and walked into headquarters with Shuichi, Himiko, and Angie. 

You went inside and collapsed onto the bottom bunk of your bed. "Tired...." Rantaro chuckled and threw a blanket at you. "Then sleep!"

You picked up your pillow and threw it at his face. "Don't throw it at me!" And that is how you accidentally started a pillow fight.

It was nice to just be normal teenagers. Not going to sleep thinking someone would kill you. Not hiding secrets to protect everyone. Just... living your life. This is what you wanted for them when you took your last breath. 

For them to be happy.

For them to have a normal life.

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