The Question

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"So... you're asking us what we think you should do?" Kaede questioned. Kokichi nodded and crossed his arms. "I hate asking for help, but..." "When it comes to Y/N you'd do anything." Rantaro gently elbowed Kokichi with a menacing smirk.

"Yeah, and same goes for you to Kiyo." Kokichi swatted away Rantaro's arm with a blush across his cheeks, though his remark made Rantaro back away anyways. "Well, Y/N does deserve way more than your average dinner." Shuichi put his hand on his chin.

"Ooh! Kaede, do you still have that music sheet Y/N gave you?" Rantaro asked. She nodded. "I'm not sure where it is, but I know I'd never throw it away." He smiled. "Perfect. Do you know what song it is?"

Kaede shook her head. "I never really had the chance to read it. They said it was a song that they learned." Kaito put his elbow on the couch's arm rest. "So... what about it?"

Maki scoffed. "You really are an idiot. He wants Kaede to play it." Gonta looked into the room. "Kokichi, is there reason that you have to have meeting at Gonta's place?"

Kokichi nodded. "Because! If we were to have a secret meeting, this is the last place Y/N would check!"

"...Didn't you tell them you were going here?"

"Shut up, Shumai!"

Rantaro chuckled and turned on his phone. "I'll ask Kiyo where you can get a good view of the sunset and we'll be set." Kokichi sat up. "A-Actually, I have a different idea."

"Oh? Then tell us and we'll be glad to help."


"Oh Y/N~" Kokichi wrapped his arms around your waist and you turned your head. "Hey Kokichi. Did you need something?" He nodded. "Meet me on the bridge leading to the park after sundown!"

You tilted your head, but nodded nonetheless. "Y-Yeah, sure. Should I bring anything?"

"Just look like you always do!"

He waved and walked out the door. "Okay...?" You looked at the bedroom and went to change, since it was near sunset. After taking a bath and changing and generally looking better than someone who stayed in bed all day, you walked out the door.

The moment you got outside, something hit you in the forehead. "OW!"

Miu slapped Kaito. "Watch it!" She whisper-yelled.

You rubbed your forehead, wondering what hit you. "Huh...?" A drone was hovering in front of you. When you tried to grab it, it simply moved out of the way, slowly getting further and further away.

There was something dangling on the bottom of it.


Once you read it, it started flying away, and while you were a bit suspicious, you ran after it. You ran through town, which was quite quiet since it was so late. Ironically, the drone went right to where you wanted to go: the park.

It stopped and you could finally grab it before it went any further. "Huh?" Along the bridge you were supposed to cross to get to the park were little candles. Not the cheap ones with barely any scent like the ones from years ago. But actual, proper candles, that look like they were pretty expensive.

It was when you put down the drone and began walking across the bridge that you heard the familiar song.

You made a breathy chuckle and slowly walked across the bridge. "Kokichi...?" You looked around, wondering where the purple-headed boy was. There was a rustle in the bushes, but you decided not to check since you assume whoever was in there was supposed to be "stealthy."

"How are they planning on getting Kokichi to come out with how quiet they are?" Kaito questioned, Miu, Maki, and Shuichi next to him. "Well, it is late at night." Shuichi said, pointing at the dark sky.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Shut up! It's happening!" Miu whisper-yelled.

Kokichi walked up to you, a grin on his face, his hands behind his head. "Took you long enough!" You scratched the back of your head. "Y-Yeah, sorry, there was a drone and-" "Dammit, Y/N, I was kidding!"

He took your hand and the two of you walked through the park. He looked at the sky and smiled. "The moon is beautiful. Right Y/N?" You nodded, looking up at the moon as well. "It is... It's nice to know it's not an artificial one, isn't it?"

Kokichi hummed in agreement.

He looked at the ground, hiding his small blush, as you intertwined your fingers. "So, did you want to talk about anything?" Kokichi nodded and pulled you towards a cluster of cherry blossom trees.

There was one lantern on each branch, which you could tell was the handy work of Angie. Pretty high, so it was probably Kiyo who hung them up. You knew those knots.

"Okay, now!" Rantaro whisper-yelled to Gonta, who released the butterflies/fireflies just as Kokichi let go of your hand.

"Whoa..." You marvelled as they soared through the air with the cherry blossom and star background.

Kokichi grinned. "Do you like it?"

You nodded. "Yes... when did you have time to plan this?" Then you realized. "When you were with the others..." Kokichi nodded. "Smart as always, Mind Reader!" He walked a bit closer to you, just a little closer than your arm's reach.

He took a deep breath as the music got softer.

"Y/N, in that End Wall, before getting stuck in that End Wall, and everything after... you were so important to me. At first, I thought I had no chance since you were so... so perfect. I'm just a liar, that... that makes things complicated."

Your eyes softened.

"But! Then when you decided to choose someone like me... to be with someone like me... I just felt all fuzzy inside, you know? And you cared about me.. more than anyone! And I care for you more than anyone. That's no lie."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box, making you quietly gasp. Kneeling down, he opened the ring box to reveal the ring inside it.

"Y/N... you may not believe this yourself, but you're perfect to me, and I always want to be next to you, so.. will you marry me?"

You put your hand over your mouth as your vision blurred. "I... Of course! Of course I will! Yes, yes, yes!" He stood up and you jumped into his arms, making him stumble back but not fall.

"Ryoma, now!" Rantaro whisper-yelled once again. Ryoma threw up and hit three balls that Miu made and Maki held up a bow and three arrows, shooting all three. They burst and let flower petals rain down on you and Kokichi.

"Do you like it?" Kokichi asked. You nodded as he slipped the ring on your finger. "Now we both have rings!" Kokichi exclaimed, holding up the one you gave him. "It's just, yours was really expensive." You chuckled. "And yours was just a bolt I asked Miu to carve."

As the last of the petals drifted to the ground, Kokichi made you look at him, caressing your cheek. "Y/N... I love you. And that's no lie, I promise." You smiled and pressed your forehead against his.

"I love you, too."

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