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"Hey Chiaki,"


"I think I know what my job is."

"What is it?"

"To protect... everyone."

You twirled your flaming sword, and then pointed it at the exisal. "I don't think you quite understand the meaning of that, so I'll spell it out for you."

Kokichi glanced at the hand you were hiding behind your back, and saw a somewhat familiar hand motion. You were twirling your finger, so... "Regroup..." He ran up and grabbed Makoto's arm, pulling him towards one of the only working helicopters.

"Kokichi, what-"

"Trust me, Makoto, I know how to choose my significant others."

You lifted your arm, making a wall appear between you and the others. "Chiaki, how many people?"

"Only 5. 57 exisals."

"Got it."

The fire at the blade of your sword raged, probably from adrenaline, and you ran forward. You jumped up and landed on one of the exisals, stabbing right through it from the top. "So... you tried hurting my friends, did you?"


On the other side of the wall, Fuyuhiko clenched his fist. "Dammit, they got the best of us." Kaito shook his head. "Nah, no one can take those exisals by themselves."

Kokichi punched him. "Excuse me." He pointed at the wall that just rose from the ground.

"But that-"

"But that what? Y/N can do anything."

"You would never say that about anyone else, would you?"

"That's because they can't."

"Dammit, Kokichi."

Tenko smacked the both of them. "Quiet, males! I'm trying to listen for Y/N." She walked up to the wall and pressed her ear up against it. She heard struggling, but it definitely wasn't you. 

"Gonta, give me a boost!" Kokichi ordered, walking up to Gonta. He held out his arm for Kokichi to climb up and he looked over the wall. "Ooh!" He jumped down and grinned. "I told you Y/N could take it."

Suddenly, the wall lowered and once the dust cleared...

"Y/N!" Kokichi ran up and hugged your, though your eyes glowed red. 

"U-Um, Kokichi, I'm not sure that's a good idea..." Himiko said, looking at your eyes. Your sword fell from your sword and you put your hand on the back of Kokichi's head, your eyes turning back to normal. "Sorry for being... violent."

Akane looked at the many disabled exisals behind you. "Nah! You're awesome!" You smiled and looked down at Kokichi. His gasped, and you tilted your head. "Is... something wrong?" He stepped back and grinned. "Nope! Not at all!"

Side glance...




It was evening, and everyone was hanging out in the room. You were reading to Genesis (and Kokichi), and she looked up at you. "Y/N? What's the noise that comes from your chest?" You tilted your head. "A heartbeat... why?"

Genesis leaned her head into your chest. 

"Yours is relaxing."

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