Kokichi's Plan

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I went down to the library. I wasn't really in the mood to see anyone at the moment.

I sat down and read the same book that I had been reading for the past few days until I heard a noise from upstairs. It was faint, but I knew it couldn't have been good.

I closed my book and went upstairs and into the dining hall. Kaito was in front of Kokichi, hands clenched into a fist and his teeth gritted. "Kokichi, I knew you were messed up, but this is a whole 'nother level!"

I walked up to Shuichi. "What happened?"

He told me that Gonta was planning on fighting the exisals to end the killing game, but Kokichi was stating that it was starting to get fun and that they should just focus on winning.

"U-uh... quick question. Was Kokichi doing some sort of side glance when he said this?" Shuichi thought for a moment. "Uh... yeah. Why?" I looked at Kokichi, who had a red cheek from Kaito's punch. What is he thinking?

We left the dining hall one by one. "Kokichi, come." I walked Kokichi to my research lab, where I always kept a cloth in case of excessive sweating. I wet the cloth with a water bottle and placed it on Kokichi's cheek. He was silent.

"Are you okay?" He nodded, but I could tell that was a lie. I didn't ask any more questions though.

Once I finished with Kokichi, Himiko asked me to cut her hair. While I was doing so, she explained to me different 'magic spells' she could do.

I swept up her red hair and put it in the garbage. I hadn't seen Gonta or Miu at all. I passed by Tsumugi twice in the hall. I checked on Shuichi and Kaito, who were in their rooms, and Maki taught me how to throw a knife. Not sure when I would use that skill, but it was interesting to learn.

"Hey!" I turned around and saw Miu. "Hey Miu, what's up?" She handed me a wrench. "This one's worn out. Touched too many bolts and the hole's too big, not that the hole's size was ever a problem for me." Ew, Miu.

She told me to figure out where to put it since she had enough good ones in her lab. I went back to my room and put it in my closet since I didn't really know where to put it in the first place.

Soon enough, it was nighttime and we made our way to the courtyard. But Kaito said that we should just talk rather than train.

"So... what type of blood do you like?" Kaito asked Maki. "She's not a vampire, Kaito." I looked at Shuichi. "Any better questions?" Shuichi thought for a moment. "Oh, when we first met you, you said you were the Ultimate Child Caregiver. Why is that?" Maki sighed.

"I grew up in an orphanage. I never knew who my parents were, so don't ask. But in the orphanage, the older kids were supposed to take care of the younger kids, and that's what I did. For some reason, the kids liked me, despite me not being very fond of caring for them. But by the time I was 10 years old, these men came. They seemed pretty normal, but they kept coming everyday. Not to adopt, but to observe. They watched how we played, worked together, everything."

I tilted my head. "What were they looking for?"

"Well, they approached me and asked if I wanted to come with them. I didn't want to go, but I heard they would donate the orphanage a large sum of money, so I felt like I had to. Soon enough, I was training and working hard everyday. I had some natural talent, but I vomited and cried everyday. After a while... I just felt like my heart was empty. I was numb. I was killing all these strangers, but I didn't even wonder why anymore. And sometimes I wonder... What if I stayed in the orphanage? What would've happened?"

All of us looked at Maki in disbelief. She went through all of that? I put my hand on Maki's. "You didn't have to hide this from us, you know? You don't have to try and carry all of your burdens by yourself."

I looked at Kaito and he gave a thumbs up. "Same goes for you, Shuichi. It helps you get stronger. And from how much she's said, I think Maki Roll's gotten stronger as well!" I guess that name's gonna stick, huh?

We talked for at least an hour about random things. "Wait, so he cried into your chest and then pulled away saying he was fine?" Shuichi asked. I nodded. "I swear, I needed to clean that thing for hours!" We laughed for a minute.

"Okay, this guy did a horrible prank while we were practising how to move in zero gravity. I was like, fifty feet in the air and he decided to turn on the gravity in the room!" Kaito said. I put my hand over my mouth while giggling. "I bet he got in major trouble, huh?"

After a while, we all returned to our rooms, but I wanted to stop by the library and take out the book I had been reading so I don't need to go all the way down here all the time. But as I was walking past the game room, I heard a voice inside... a voice that was all too familiar. I pressed my ear up against the door and listened in.

"I can't pass up an opportunity to make the killing game more interesting or exciting."

"Right? I was thinking the same thing! This fun and vicious killing game is the only thing on my mind!"

"With that said, you're not even gonna try to use that motive?"

"You really don't get it. Using a crazy motive like this should be used in a more dramatic way, no? That's what I've been thinking, so I tried coming up with ways to use it and I finally came up with an idea. So this is my proposal: a certain someone is planning something interesting so if we use the motive there, then I think that it would really spice up the game."

"You really are an evil bastard."

"Yeah, of course. I am the Ultimate Supreme Leader, you know. Let's have more fun. I would drag this into the pits of terror. Here's my villainous power to commit evil!"

I moved away from the door. Kokichi...? I ran into the library and hid behind a bookcase, where Rantaro was found. I was too afraid to go back to my room. I eventually dozed off in the library, laying my head on an opened book.

Second Person POV

You were asleep in the library when someone opened the door. "I could've sworn I heard someone in here..." They checked around the library and found you lying down on the floor, using an opened book as a pillow. They walked away and came back with a blanket and a pillow. They gently lifted your head and replaced the book with a pillow and spread the blanket on top of you. They smiled as they looked at your sleeping figure. "Nishishishi, they're so peaceful while they're sleeping. We'll get out of here... I promise... Y/N."

Alright, this is a short chapter because it's mainly a filler one. Now, you may be wondering what Y/N's outfit looks like, and I will show you. (It may be labelled, but it really doesn't matter which one you prefer)

 (It may be labelled, but it really doesn't matter which one you prefer)

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