My Name is Y/N L/N --- Nice to Meet You

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Kokichi's eyes widened as you stared at him. "Um.. long time no see.. for you anyways." Kokichi slowly walked over to you and touched your cheeks. "Ow, ow, okay.... you don't need to- WHOA!" He immediately jumped on you making you both fall to the ground.

You put your hand down, making a bush appear underneath you and you fell back.


"Don't 'Kokichi' me!"

He buried his face into your chest. "You just.. died... and I see you again. How am I supposed to..." You put your hand on the back of his head and stroked his hair. "I know..." You sighed and leaned back.

"Kokichi." He looked up and you put two fingers on his forehead. His eyes widened and then he fell unconscious. "Shuichi?" He walked up next to you and did the same to him, grabbing his shirt so he doesn't get hurt.

You turned into a ghost and went through the two of them so that they would lie down without you under Kokichi. "Why?" You looked at Chiaki. "I'm... not alive. I shouldn't be seen by them." Chiaki nodded as you lifted your hand. You balled your hand into a fist, making lightning appear right above you.

"What was that?" Rantaro turned to where Kaede was looking and saw a large bolt of lightning. "That's where Kokichi and Shuichi are!" He turned the helicopter and headed straight for the area.

Once they got there, they saw both Kokichi and Shuichi lying unconscious on the ground. But they looked like they were gently placed there rather than getting blasted unconscious. "Shuichi, Kokichi!" Kaede hopped out of the helicopter with Ryoma and Rantaro following.

"Mmmh..." Kokichi scrunched up his face as his eyes flickered open. "What... happened?" He put his hand on his forehead. "Shumai?" His eyes widened and he crawled over to Shuichi. "Shumai? Are you dead?" He asked as he poked Shuichi's cheek. Shuichi swatted away Kokichi's hand. "No, I'm not."

"What happened?" Ryoma asked as he looked around. There was burn marks on the ground, three broken exisals, and a green bush. "This is.. an odd scene." Shuichi looked around. "Um... oh yeah! We saw the cloaked person... but they disappeared immediately."

Kokichi felt his face. It had dry tears staining it. "Uh, yeah. That's what happened." Rantaro held out his hand. "Come on, it's about time to head back, anyways." Kokichi grabbed his hand and was pulled up. "Okay."

You watched from the hole in a building as they all got on the helicopter and flew off. You pulled down your hood over your face and disappeared.

~Time Skip~

Kokichi held his head in his hands while in med bay, with Mikan by his bed checking for any injuries. "What's wrong? D-do you have a-a headache?" Kokichi nodded. "But nothing the Supreme Leader can't handle!" Mikan nodded and looked at Shuichi, who was also pressing his palm against his forehead.

"Th-there doesn't s-seem to be a-any e-external injuries. Y-you can g-go back to your r-room." Shuichi nodded and motioned for Kokichi to follow him. "Kokichi, you alright?" Kokichi nodded as they made their way back to the room.

Meanwhile, you were still out and scouting the area with Chiaki. "Oh, looks like that's where the exisals are made." You looked to where Chiaki was pointing and saw a huge factory with an exisal coming out of it every few minutes.

"There's no way I can destroy that." You said. "There might be people inside, too." You lifted your hand and made it rain so the smoke coming out of the chimneys would be put out. "Come on, let's head back to the Future Foundation." Chiaki looked back at the exisals, but nodded nonetheless and followed you.




"What?!" Yasuhiro stood up in his chair. "Lightning and-and plants and..." He looked like he was about to faint from shock. "Hey, that's what we saw." Shuichi said. Byakuya put his finger on his chin. "But how... are we sure this thing is human?"

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