How Much You Meant to Me

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"Well, from what I could tell, they didn't plan on participating in another class trial. Maybe it's because they thought the next trial.. would be theirs." Kokichi's shoulders dropped. His lips went dry, his knees trembled, and his hands shook. "So you're saying... they killed themselves?"

"Th-that can't be!" Tsumugi yelled. "Y-you've gotta be joking, Shuichi!" Shuichi looked down. "It's... it's not really definite, but right now it's what I believe." Kokichi gritted his teeth. Did I miss something? Were they actually not happy? He felt a hand on his shoulder. "Kokichi, I know that look. It's not your fault." He looked at Himiko, who was trying her best to be comforting. He smiled and looked straightforward.

"What would cause them to do such a thing?" Kirumi wondered. Ryoma closed his eyes. "They seemed to be just fine, but much can be hidden by a smile." Kaito clenched his fists. "If they were upset, they would've told us! They also would've died a long time ago, right?" Maki bit her thumbnail once more. "I don't think they were sad..."

Shuichi tilted his head at Maki and thought back to everything they had investigated. Your body was positioned... rather specifically. "They definitely planned their death, seeing as there was a note under their body, with a riddle." Rantaro's eyes lit up. "Oh! Maybe it was there so no one would try to take it. The riddle did seem important." Shuichi nodded. You had a huge hole in your chest. And your eye... "Oh! Is it because of their eye?" Maki nodded. "Who would take the time to dissect their own eye?"

"S-so, they didn't kill themselves...?" Himiko asked. Tenko raised her eyebrow. "But, how did the door lock, then? The wall wasn't knocked down like some of the others in the academy, so that was the only exit, right?" Maki turned to Kokichi. "Did you check the other eye?"

Kokichi shook his head and put his hand on his arm. "I-I was scared to." Rantaro nodded. "I get the feeling." Shuichi remembered something that they had found in your room. "Kokichi, do you have the Necronomicon from Y/N's room?" Kokichi nodded and pulled it out. "But none of us could open that." Kaito said.

"Ooh! Let me try!" Angie offered. She was handed the Necronomicon and tried to open it. When it wouldn't open, she sniffed the pages to smell for glue. "Hm, odd. Atua has not told me what is wrong." Kiyo spoke up. "Possibly, it was already used." Everyone turned to him. "What do you mean?" Rantaro asked. "Well, when a Necronomicon is used, there is a certain condition so that it cannot be used again. Like the Necronomicon Angie had. You had to burn it." (NOT A REAL FACT)

"Nyeh? But who used it?" Himiko wondered. Angie raised her hand. "Ooh! Was it the mastermind?" Shuichi shook his head. "Why would it be in Y/N's room?" Gonta had a concerned look on his face. "Shuichi is not saying what Gonta think he saying, right?" Shuichi nodded. "I think Y/N used it."

Monokuma giggled. "If it's important evidence, then I can open it for ya! Gimme!" It was handed to him and he opened the Necronomicon without any trouble. He gave it to Rantaro and he read it aloud.

"When doing the ritual, you must have at least one belonging of the deceased. You must place them in a circle, and cover them, so they are no longer visible. Once that is done, place a living creature, such as a dog, cat, or even person. Then, the living creature may feel a tug from their inside. This is because different parts of their soul will..."

Rantaro covered his mouth. "W-what?" Kokichi asked, desperately. Rantaro took a deep breath. "Th-this is because.... because different parts of their soul... will leave their body. A-and be provided to the deceased. Th-this may cause bleeding d-depending on how many people you... you're planning on bringing back." Rantaro's eyes filled with tears. "B-but anywhere o-over 10 people will certainly k-kill the creature, so be cautious."

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