Bonding Time...

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The next morning, everyone gathered at the dining hall, where there was food made by Kirumi and Teruteru. "My, my, you seem to have quite the knack for serving, pretty lady." Kirumi looked at the small cook and scoffed. "Please, do not engage in foul play with me." She walked away as Teruteru watched her dress sway back and forth. "Ah, if only it were shorter."

You drifted a little closer to Chiaki as Teruteru's drool hit the floor. "Is he always like this?" Chiaki sighed and nodded. "I had to Heaven-Slaying Dragon Fist him at one point." You both landed on the ground and you looked at her. "Isn't that from a video game?" She nodded and looked at Teruteru, who was... not in the real world at the moment.

You looked at where he was looking and saw he was looking under the table your friends were sitting at... specifically their thighs. "I'm gonna Heaven-Slaying Dragon Fist him right now." You pulled up your sleeve and raised your fist, causing Teruteru to fly across the kitchen.

"T-Teruteru!" Mikan exclaimed. Hiyoko tilted her head. "Did that look... familiar to any of you?" Mahiru looked over at Teruteru, who was just getting to his feet. "Honestly... yeah." Although this was rather familiar to some of the people sitting at the dinner table, they decided to dismiss it.

"Not bad, Y/N." Chiaki complimented as she hovered over you shoulder. You lifted off the ground and looked at your friends' shocked faces, making you giggle. "Man, I wish I could eat. They actually seem to be enjoying the food. Is he the Ultimate Cook?" Chiaki hummed in affirmation and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"That's odd." Kaito looked at the girl next to him. "What's wrong.. um..." "Peko. Peko Pekoyama." Kaito nodded and earned a glare from a certain somebody sitting on the other side of Peko. And that certain somebody earned another glare from another certain somebody. And both certain somebodies were glaring at each other.

"Maki Roll"

"Young Master"

The two certain somebodies, Maki and Fuyuhiko, turned back to their food. Peko looked back at Kaito and raised a brow. "Maki Roll?" Kaito scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, that's the nickname I use for Maki. Why do you call him 'young master?'" Peko glanced at the boy sitting next to her and smiled a bit. "Because he's my young master, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu."

Kaito's eyes widened as Maki's head turned. Peko chuckled. "Yes, the Kuzuryuu Clan. But trust me, he's not unnecessarily violent." Maki hummed and looked back at her food.

"Hey Shuichi." He looked over at Kyoko. "What's your talent?" Shuichi looked in his lap. "I... don't actually have a talent. I thought it was Ultimate Detective, but I was proven wrong." Kyoko nodded and pulled out her notebook, writing something down.

"Shuichi," Shuichi looked up and met eyes with Makoto. "I've only known you for about two days, and you have been everything but useless. Don't look so disappointed that you don't have an official talent. Maybe you simply have many." Shuichi smiled and rested his head on his hand. "Thanks..."




Everyone was helping clean up the dining hall when, "Kaede!" Kaede nearly jumped, but was able to turn around. "Oh, hey Ibuki! What's up?" She took Kaede by the arm and brought her to one of the rooms in the building.. "I share this room with Mikan, Mahiru, Hiyoko, Asahina, and Toko!"

Kaede looked around the room. There were three bunk beds, with a side table in between them just like the room she and the others stayed in. One of the beds had multiple stuffed animals on it, one had a doughnut box with one half eaten doughnut, one had some bandages spread out across it, and the rest were like normal beds, all fixed and such. Near the bunk with bandages on the bottom bed, there were two guitar stands, and keytar. On the bunk with stuffed animals on the top bunk, there was a camera hanging on the frame of the bunk.

"It's a nice room." Ibuki nodded and pulled Kaede to her bed. "This one's mine and Mikan's. Mikan was preparing these for someone, but I'm not quite sure who." Ibuki picked up the keytar hanging on the wall. "Do you know how to play this?" Kaede nodded and was handed the keytar.

"I have a feeling I know where this is going." Kaede said with a smirk as she slung the strap around her body. Ibuki picked up her guitar. "Let's go then!"

Ibuki brought Kaede to a room with a mic. "This is the PA system where we make announcements. Well, now it's just kind of a security measure, but whatever. Everyone always expects me to start playing music on here everyday at 9:00am, just as a signal that all the entrances are fine." Kaede nodded and turned on the keytar. "Then let's do it!"

Everyone looked up at the PA's making the music echo throughout the building. "Is that Kaede playing?" Kaito asked. Maki nodded. "Seems like it." You were sitting on the top bunk of one of the beds playing chopsticks with Chiaki when the music began playing.

"I know who's doing that just from listening to it." You said, Chiaki agreeing. You looked at the door, worriedly. "By the way... do you remember seeing Kokichi at the dining hall?" Chiaki let her hands drop. "You mean the short boy with purple hair?"

You nodded and looked down at your hand. Chiaki shook her head, also with a worried look on her face. "Come on." You let yourself fall through the floor and landed in the basement of the building.

You shut your eyes and listened for the boy's voice, and you heard it... but it was a strange sentence. "Did I hear that right?" Chiaki landed next to you and listened intently. "Oh my... do you hear what I think you're hearing?" You nodded and darted down the hall towards Kokichi's voice.

Forgetting that you didn't need to open the door, you burst through it, accidentally making the doors fly open. Kokichi's eyes widened as his head shot up. "Ah, Shumai!" You looked around but Shuichi was no where to be found.

"Why is he in here anyways?" Chiaki wondered. You put your hand on his forehead. "Oh my- he's burning up!" Chiaki got up. "Someone has to find him! He needs to get treated!" You got up and followed her, flying through the halls of the building.

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