The First Class Trial

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We went inside the Shrine of Judgement and found a rather... disturbing statue inside. "What is this?" Kaito stared upon the statue with the body of a man and the face of Monokuma as I covered Himiko's eyes with my hand. "Honestly, nothing important."

The statue threw the goblet it was holding and disappeared into the fountain, being replaced with a bridge leading to the door behind it. "Is that an elevator?" K1-B0 asked.

"It looks like it. I think that's where the trial room is."

We all went into the surprisingly spacious elevator and it descended into the underground.

"I suddenly feel like I need to go to the bathroom." Himiko said. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Don't be nervous. We'll be fine!" I looked at Kaede and Shuichi. They seemed to be having a serious talk so I decided not to say anything to them.

The elevator slowed and opened, revealing a courtroom with different stands for each student. Monokuma began to explain the Class Trials and how they worked. I gulped at the word execution. We have to guess right or we die? That's... hardcore, isn't it? "I haven't been in a trial in like, forever." Kokichi announced. Wait, he's telling the truth?!

"Oh... so you have experience with trials?" Tsumugi asked, nervously. Why does she look concerned? "Yeah, I've done a lot of evil stuff, so it's happened." Kokichi replied. "Where are we even supposed to start?" Kaito asked. "It's not like I've done this before."

Kiyo cleared his throat. "Well, one thing I found curious was why the culprit didn't take advantage of the first blood perk." Miu laughed. "That's because Monokuma's the culprit! He's the one who designed all this. Boo-yah! I'm a genius!"

I thought for a moment. "Wait, Miu, I don't think that's the case. If you look at Monokuma, for one, he doesn't look strong enough to move a bookcase. Another thing, if he were able to, he wouldn't be able to reach the card insert. Besides, it says in the rules that he can't directly attack someone."

Monokuma nodded. "We've got a smart one in the house! That's expected of someone with a 170 IQ!" My eyes widened. I don't even know my own IQ, so how does he? "So, you can't directly attack someone, but that doesn't apply to the person controlling you, does it?" Kaede questioned.

Monokuma hummed in confusion. "Is it possible that the mastermind controlling Monokuma killed Rantaro?" I put my hand on my chin.

That would make sense. He found out about a vital secret in this school, so the mastermind wouldn't want him knowing. "Mastermind? Wuzzat?" Monokuma asked.

All of the animatronic bears in the room denied their knowledge of this mastermind. "Don't play dumb with me! Who's the mastermind controlling you guys?" Kaede questioned, a bit more firmly. "Odds are, it's one of us." Ryoma stated.

Kokichi put his hands behind his head. "It's Kee-boy over here! Everyone thinks so!"

"Now, Kokichi, we can't accuse someone without any proof." I reminded. "Besides, despite the fact that K1-B0 claims he was in his room at the time of the murder, his metal would've shown at least a little bit because of the flash from the camera." Kaede nodded. "We've gotta get to the bottom of this."

I straightened up and clapped my hands. "Alright, the victim was Rantaro Amami. He was found dead in the library, and was last seen in the game room with Himiko, Kaito, Tenko, Angie, and Maki. Gonta was in the A/V room watching a bug movie. Any objections?"

Everyone was silent. "So, Rantaro's body was found just before the time limit, at about 9:20pm." Tenko stated. Angie also added that, "He was alone in the library, so someone could've snuck up on him!"

"What was Rantaro doing in the library anyways?" Ryoma wondered.

"He was there to open the bookcase because he knew about the hidden door!" Kaito concluded. "That means Rantaro was masterminding this whole thing!"

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