Who's Our Flower Girl?

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You were seated with Kokichi on the couch, him with his phone and a laptop, and you with a notebook and phone.

"Nagito is your best man, right?"

"Yep! And Gora, Jax, Eros, Shin, Haru, Ray, Gonta, and Shumai are all my groomsmen. Is that right?"

You looked down at your notebook. "Yeah." You sighed. "So many of these talk about the bride and groom's parents... We're kind of lacking in that department at the moment."

Kokichi sighed. "Even if mine were still alive, I wouldn't want them to come. But... someone does need to walk you down the aisle. Maybe Byakuya or Makoto...?" He imagined it. "Actually, I feel like you need to be close enough to the person walking down the aisle to walk with them."

"Yeah... well, I can't say any of my God parents are alive. Or my maids. Not that I know of, anyway." You leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "I don't think there's ever been a wedding where both don't have any parents."

Kokichi shut his laptop. "Okay, parents stuff aside. What about your maid of honour/best man?"

(Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids)

"Well, I was thinking either Kaede or Kyoko. Maybe even Maki, but I don't think she'd give a good congrats speech if the wedding involves you." You tapped your pencil on your cheek. "Actually, I think I should pick Kaede, since I've known her longer."

Kokichi nodded. "And bridesmaids?"

"Um... hm. Well, since I'm deciding on Kaede to be the Maid of Honour, the bridesmaids would be Maki, Kyoko, Tenko, Angie, Kirumi, and Miu."

"Miu?" Kokichi squinted. "I don't think that's a good idea..." You raised a brow. "And you're planning on having Eros as yours?"

(Best Man and Groomsmen)

"Rantaro, probably. Unless he ends up dying within the next few months." You knocked on the wooden table. "Knock on wood, that doesn't happen. But if he somehow doesn't make it, it's probably going to be Kaito."

Kokichi crossed his arms. "Rantaro's only excuse for not attending would be dying, and you know it."

"Right. My plan for groomsmen would be Kaito, Ryoma, Hajime, Kiibo, Kiyo, and Makoto."

"That works."

"Not including the people with roles, who else is coming?" Kokichi asked. "Okay, so apparently, two of Rantaro's sisters were in one of the shelters." You said.

"Oh? And how many does he have?"


Kokichi nearly choked on his grape panta. "H-Huh? Twelve?"

You nodded. "From what I remember, three should be... eight or nine as of now. One, ten. Two, twelve. One, thirteen. One, fifteen. One sixteen. Two, seventeen. And one, eighteen."

"Can't you just ask?" Kokichi tilted his head. You shook your head. "He lost them."

"HE LOST TWELVE OF HIS SISTERS AND FOUND TWO OF THEM YEARS LATER?!" Kokichi sighed. "How did you become friends with him?"

"You called him your dear Rantaro."

"That was a lie!"

You texted Rantaro. "He says that they live not too far from here. They're the seventeen year old ones." Kokichi put his head on his hand.
"Anyways! Who's going to be the flower girls and the ring bearer? Isn't it supposed to be kids?"

You sighed. "That's the problem. None of us really know any kids, from 3 to 8 anyways."

"We could ask Maki and Kaito to-"

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