Happy Birthday Kokichi!!

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You burst into Rantaro and Kiyo's apartment using the spare key they lent to you. "Y-Y/N! Is something wrong?!" Rantaro got up, knocking over a vase.

Kiyo sighed. "It is fine. It's simply Kokichi's birthday today." Rantaro stopped and turned. "ALREADY?!"

You nodded, lifting your phone to show that it was Kokichi's birthday today. "I need your help... to find some people."

Rantaro tilted his head. "Huh? Who?" You turned on your phone and showed a picture. "This is DICE. From what Byakuya told me, he's seen at least half of them at one of the shelters he was in. Now I need to find them."

"Are you positive they'll still remember you?" Kiyo questioned. "It has been a while."

You shook your head. "I'm not sure... but I have to try." Rantaro smiled and nodded. "There's no stopping you, so may as well help you."

"Thanks... I had Shuichi and Kaede take Kokichi to the amusement park, so I have until 7:00pm, the amusement park's closing time."

Rantaro twirled his car keys on his finger. "Then we have no time to lose. There's ten of them, isn't there?"


"Alright, so... from what I remember..."

"Hey Y/N!" A girl with blonde pigtails, which Kokichi called Number 2, called out to you. "Where do you like to hang out?"

"Hm... it depends on who I'm with. What about you?"

"I love the arcade! Boss brought me there once and I loved it! I wonder if you get free tokens if you work there."

You chuckled. "Even if you don't, I'll gladly pay for it if you want me to."

"Number 2 likes the arcade." You muttered. "Kiyo, how many arcades are in this town?" Kiyo turned on his phone and went to maps. "Three."

You nodded. "Rantaro, nearest arcade." He stepped on accelerator and the car drove to the nearest arcade.

"Excuse me?" You walked up to the front desk. "Is there a girl here with dark blonde hair, maybe in pigtails?"

The worker at the front desk shook his head. "Sorry, but there's no one that works here with that description. We have a brunette?"

"Can I see her?"

"Sure. Hannah!"

The girl walked out from the back and your eyes widened. Not the one you were looking for, but... "Hey Hannah... Do you remember me?"

She tilted her head. "Sorry, I don't-" Her eyes widened slightly when you pulled out a familiar clown mask. "'Boss' wants you to keep this."

She came out from behind the counter and traced her finger over the mask. "This..." She looked up at you and she teared up. "Y-Y/N!" "Whoa there!"

Hannah jumped into your arms and you stumbled back. "Nice to see you too." She kept you in a tight embrace for what seemed like eternity.

"What are you doing here?" She asked when she finally pulled away. "It's Kokichi's birthday, and I wanted to do something special."

Her eyes lit up. "Oh yeah, has boss-" She noticed the ring on your ring finger and she gasped. "No way..." She then squealed and jumped up and down, holding your hand.

"He asked, he asked, he asked. And- And you said yes!!"

"Hannah." The two of you looked at the worker. "You still have work to do." You sighed and pulled out $1000. "Is this enough?"

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