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^^The group's kids

It's been quite a while since everything had happened, and you all were doing pretty good. A good amount of the group had bought a house and moved out of the apartment complex.

Two wedding happened in that time, and that was Maki and Kaito, and Tenko and Himiko.

While there was a lot to worry about in adulthood, nothing could ever worry you more than that killing game. Actually... maybe one.

"Raven, give your brother his book back." You took the book and gave it back to Griffin with a sigh. "Griffin, why don't you go to Genesis' room?" He nodded and walked off, letting you give one of your good old "I love you, but remember that I slaughtered over 50 exisals in the span of a week by myself when I was 16" glares to Raven.

"Y/N!" You looked beside the couch and saw Lilith and Lily standing next to the arm rest. "Can you peel us oranges?" Lily asked. You nodded and stood up, making your way to the kitchen.

As you peeled an orange for the two of them, Emilia pulled on the bottom of your shirt, making you looked down. "C-Can I have an orange, too?" Before you could begin peeling another orange, Emilia stopped you. "I.. can do it."

"Alright, go ahead." You placed the unpeeled orange in her palm and gave Lilith and Lily the peeled one. "Raven, if Emilia has trouble, help her- and, that's a no." You grabbed the backs of Oren and Aila's shirts and pulled them apart.

"Oren, what did you do?"

"He tried ripping Teacupp!!"

Teacup? You looked in Oren's hand and saw Aila's stuffed bunny clutched in his right hand. "Oren, pass me the bunny."

There was a knock on the door and you let go of the back of their shirts. "Oren, give Aila her stuffed bunny back or I'll tell your mom-! Hey, Hajime."

Hajime chuckled awkwardly. "It seems like you're having a bit of trouble with all the kids in your house?"

"Oh, not at all, it's just a little problem with sharing toys- and Oren I still haven't heard an apology! Anyways, are you here to pick up Tsuru?" Hajime nodded. "You... really are cut out for this whole parenting thing, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't say so, I just-" You quickly grabbed Oren before he could run out the door and lifted him into your arms. "-know what to do when I need to. And you, will stop trying to jump into the front yard fountain, or your mom will send you flying."

"Right..." Hajime scratched the back of his head. "S-So is Tsuru upstairs?"

"Yep, just a second. TSURU!!" She quickly came running and stood next to you. "Hey dad." She greeted, waving to Hajime. "Wow, she doesn't respond that quickly when I call to her." Hajime scooped her up. "Nagito said that she is a lot like Kokichi."

"Yeah, I guess--"


"Coming! Sorry, Genesis really doesn't like it when Raven's in her room. See you on that double date, yeah?" Hajime nodded and left with Tsuru in hand.

You smiled and waved before shutting the door and running up the stairs. "RAVEN, GET OUT OF YOUR SISTER'S ROOM!!"


With Raven and Oren asleep on the couch, you wondered if you had subconsciously drugged them. They weren't annoying, but they definitely were a handful. In any case, the only kids that weren't sleeping were Griffin, Genesis, and Emilia, so you had some time to relax.

There was another knock on the door and when you went over to open it, Maki was standing in the doorway. "Oren wasn't too troublesome, I trust?"

"...In a sense..."

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