Corner them Psychologically

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You noticed the tears forming in Maki's eyes. "I-I killed Kaito..."

You knew what Kaito was to Maki. He was like... what Kokichi was to you. You walked over to Maki and wiped her tears with her thumb.

"I know you didn't do it with ill intentions. None of us are mad at you." You whispered. You remembered what Kaito said. He didn't want anyone to kill anyone and become the blackened in the class trial... he wasn't protecting Kokichi. "He was protecting you."

You stepped back and put your hand on your arm. "Sorry, I invaded your personal space."

"No..." She wiped away her swelling tears. "It's alright."

You walked away and back to your podium. Maki took a deep breath and continued.

"Kaito told me to run, but I didn't want to give up. I tried to get in by breaking the control panel with my knife, but that didn't work. I returned back to the washroom window, but I didn't see anyone inside. The bathroom door was closed. I called out, but nobody answered."

"But why did Kokichi still hide your crime?" Kiibo wondered.

"Well, Kaito wanted Maki to be spotless. So as his friend, I felt obliged to help her." Maki looked at the exisal with murderous eyes. "You dare make fun of Kaito?! YOU ENJOY WATCHING US SUFFER, AND YOU CALL US YOUR FRIENDS?!" Her eyes flickered to you for a moment, but then right back at Kokichi.

"Well, you have two options." Kokichi began. "You either vote for me and you die with me, or you vote for Maki and only she dies." You tilted your head. "Wait, Maki, quick question. When you went to the control panel, wouldn't the alarm system go off?" Maki thought for a moment. "You're right. I wasn't really thinking about it at the time, but it is odd."

"But, the alarm would definitely go off, wouldn't it?" Kiibo asked. "Maybe..." You began. The reason you and the others were able to go into the hangar this morning was because of the electrobomb. "Maybe it was the cause of an electrobomb?"

"But Maki only had one, right?" Kiibo asked. "Yes, but Kokichi still had the other two, right?"

Kokichi, or rather the exisal, made a confused motion. "But why would I need to disable the alarm system? That would put me at a disadvantage!"

"I don't think disabling the alarm system was your objective." Shuichi said. "You wanted to disable the safety function, right?"

Maki put her hand to her chin. "Deactivate the safety function?" You nodded. "The safety function prevents the hydraulic press from crushing a human."

"But then, that wouldn't line up with Kaito's cause of death. If he died from the crossbow, then Kokichi wouldn't have needed to deactivate the safety function." Shuichi pointed out. "So maybe he died because of the hydraulic press after all!"

Himiko seemed to catch on. "If that's the case, then it wasn't Maki who killed Kaito..." "It was Kokichi!"

Everyone looked at the exisal, except for you. "Yes, well... there's really no way for you to know the true culprit!" Kokichi reminded. "You have no evidence to properly conclude your statement!" You and Shuichi looked at each other.

"You made an unsolvable murder..." Shuichi admitted.

"Monokuma." You began. "You know who the culprit is, right? Since you always do." Monokuma began sweating bullets. "Of course! W-Why wouldn't I?" You smirked a bit. "So Kokichi even made a murder that Monokuma couldn't figure out."

"But why would that matter? Kokichi controls Monokuma." Himiko reminded.

"Monokuma has known every detail about every case, most likely because of some sort of hidden camera." Shuichi said. "If the electrobomb disabled the alarm system and the safety function, then they probably disabled whatever Monokuma was using to watch us. And the exisals weren't guarding him... they were watching him."

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