You Saw Right Through Me

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Kokichi's eyes widened as you jumped down from the exisal and landed in front of the army of Monokuma masked people. "Go to the Future Foundation, Gage Street West. And bring the exisals with you." The entire army nodded and left without you.

You smirked and twisted your foot, making a tall wall of ice appear around the group. "So," You began. "Do you like the new look? Personally, I think it suits me much better... especially the eyes." Kaito stepped back. "So... you are alive.."

You cackled as you tilted your head back. "What? Are you scared, little astronaut? Of course... I don't think I should call you astronaut... if you don't know the first thing about them. Don't you think, Kaito?"

Maki gritted her teeth. "That's enough, Y/N!" You looked her up and down and smirked. "Or what? You'll shoot me?" Her eyes widened and her grip on her knife loosened. You held out your hand and the knife flew into it. "Fun little dohickey here. I wonder what would happen if I..."

You threw it and it pinned Maki to the wall. "Maki Roll!" Kaito ran toward her and pulled the knife from her clothes. "What the heck, Y/N!" You groaned and lifted your hand. "I am sick and tired of you using my name as if we're friends."

Tenko's face dropped. "B-but we are!" You looked at her. "Oh really? If we were friends... would I do this?" You lowered your hand swiftly and Tenko, Maki, and Kaito were blown into a wall with a strong gust of wind.

"Guys!" Kokichi looked utterly horrified. He took a deep breath and looked at you. "The real Y/N wouldn't do this." He slowly walked towards you. "Y/N..." You took a step back. "Get any closer... I will hurt you."

He smirked. A part of him took it as a warning more than a threat. "I'm the liar here, not you." Kaito lifted his head. "Kokichi, stop!" You opened your hand, but you didn't ball it up like it looked like you would. You just kept your hand open as Kokichi got closer and closer to you.

You shut your eyes and balled up your hand, but nothing happened to Kokichi. Instead, it started raining. "Get away from you, you little abortion!" Kokichi laughed. "Since when did you take after Miu?"

You held out your hand and the knife from before flew towards you. You were about to stab Kokichi's side, but he grabbed your wrist. "Y/N! I don't like this version of you. Kinda boring, don't you think?" Your eyes widened. "You're caring, and smart, and kind... sure you have your flaws, but this kind is sorta... unrealistic?" Kokichi cringed at himself. "A liar like me should know."

You flinched as he lifted your free hand and put something in it. Once he lifted his hand, you saw a ring with words engraved on the inner part.

But I'd rather say I love you

Your eyes widened and the knife dropped to the floor. The swirls in your eyes wavered, but didn't disappear. Kokichi opened your hand again and placed something else. A small paper star... it was slightly crumpled, but you could tell exactly what it was.

The swirls in your eyes slowly began to fade, and finally Kokichi caressed your cheek. "I'm probably a nuisance to everyone with my lies... but you saw right through me." Your eyes returned back to normal as your arms dropped.

"What..." Kokichi pumped his fist. "It worked!" Kaito, Maki, and Tenko ran over. "How'd you do that?" You looked in your hand. "D-don't you want this back...?" Kokichi nodded and let you put the ring back on his finger.

"Wait, Y/N...? You're not... leaving?" Tenko asked. You smiled. "It's not like I can..." You were quickly embraced by Kaito and Tenko while Maki stayed about a foot away from you. You wrapped your arms around them as you eyes filled with tears. Then you remembered something.

"Wait, what was the last thing I said to the Remnants of Despair?" Kokichi's eyes widened. "The location of the Future Foundation..." Kaito and Tenko backed away from you. "Hey, which helicopter dropped you off?"

Kaito shook his head. "We walked." You nodded. "So it's not too far?" Maki shook her head. You faced the direction of the Future Foundation headquarters and ice appeared underneath you. "Try to keep up."

You slid at the speed of light down the roads, making ice appear in front of you constantly. "Hey Y/N!" You looked up and saw Chiaki. "They can't fight them off alone!" You nodded and made a strong gust of wind propel you up and onto a roof.

"Chiaki, where are their whereabouts?" Chiaki looked into the distance. "Some in front of the headquarters, some behind. There's 16 exisals at the entrance. About 20 people as well, not including the Future Foundation." You nodded and lifted your hand. "Then let's put on a show."

"We can't keep them out for much longer." Ryoma muttered. Gonta threw an exisal, only for it to ex chief get back up again. "Gonta no can do anything either."

"Rantaro!" Kiyo called as Rantaro was lifted up by one of the exisals. "Put me down!" He yelled as he struggled. Kirumi, Shuichi, Himiko, and Angie were also outside, trying to keep the people outside of the headquarters.

There was a loud thunder clap and everyone looked on the roof. "You heard the guy..." The person standing on the roof said. They lifted their head and revealed their face. "Put. Him. Down."

The moment you said that, a large spike made of ice impaled the exisal, making Rantaro fall. Before he could even blink, you caught him and gave him to Kiyo. "Touch my friends... and you'll regret it."

A tornado appeared nearby and began sucking up three of the exisals. You jumped up and lifted your hand. "Break." The tornado disappeared and the exisals fell to the ground, breaking into many pieces.

The Remnants of Despair all looked to you. "You..." 20 came at you simultaneously. You looked at everyone in the Future Foundation. "Step back." You held your hand in front of you. "I'd stay away if I were you." A strong gust of wind came from your hand, blasting all twenty of them away. Before they hit the ground, you knelt down and put your hand on the ground. Twenty large vines emerged from the ground and grabbed each person.

You sighed and lifted your hand in a gun position.


With that innocent word, you managed to disable three exisals at once from a bolt of electricity coming from your fingertips. Chiaki touched two exisals, making them fall to the ground from losing power. Finally, you held your arms in front of you and balled up your fists, making the remaining three exisals turn to pieces.

You sighed and stood up straight. "That was kind of easy." Gonta's eyes were wide with shock. "Does everyone see what Gonta sees?" Ryoma nodded. You smiled and opened your arms, letting everyone gather into a hug.

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