A Sketchy Magic Trick

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I lifted my hands to my mouth. "Ryoma?" I whimpered. We all watched in horror as the handcuffed and unconscious Ryoma was devoured by the piranhas, his remains sinking to the bottom of the tank. Himiko appeared in front of us. She looked happy until she heard the body discovery announcement. Himiko turned around and saw the bloody water with Ryoma's skeleton sunken at the bottom.

Kaito, Kokichi, and Maki came in. "What happened?" Kaito demanded.

To figure that out, Kokichi's grand idea was to break the glass with Kiibo. He told Gonta to throw Kiibo at the glass and Tenko offered to help as well. They threw the boy of metal at the glass, and I heard Kiibo scream as the glass shattered, letting out all the piranhas and bloody water.

Before the blood touched my feet, Kokichi took the liberty of lifting me up and onto the stage. Why? I wouldn't know.

They all cleaned up, Kokichi not letting me lift a finger to help. "You don't need to get your hands dirty." He told me, although it didn't quite feel right to just sit there. We cleaned up all the bloody water, gathered Ryoma's remains, and put all the piranhas in the bucket. After this, we started investigating.

Maki, however, did not participate in the investigation. She's been acting weird ever since we learned about the Ultimate Hunt.

I examined the shattered glass. "Shuichi, do you remember seeing anything in the tank when we watched Himiko step in?" He shook his head. I reached for the handcuffs used to restrain Ryoma. "He ran away when Gonta charged at him, right? So the person that did this must be someone he trusts." Shuichi agreed.

When we asked, Himiko wouldn't tell us the secrets behind her underwater escape act, so we had to find out for ourselves. I walked into the nook that was once the water tank and checked for any hidden doors. I opened the Monokuma file and saw that the cause of death wasn't being eaten, but drowning. I remembered Ryoma's motionless body when the curtain opened. This definitely is very likely.

There's also no time of death. I guess that's hard to determine seeing as one, you can't have cameras underwater, and two, there's no body to investigate when he died. That, or...

"Hey, Y/N." I snapped out of my silent thoughts and walked over to Shuichi. "I think the time of death has something to do with the culprit. Monokuma said that he won't say anything that will reveal the culprit."

"That... makes sense. Good job, Shuichi."

I looked around the empty water tank for any secret door or faulty walls. Shuichi and Kaito then investigated the curtain that blocked our view of the water tank. While they did that, I walked up to the bucket of piranhas.

"I thought it was weird how many piranhas we had." Angie said. "What do you mean?" Angie explained that when they were setting up for the show yesterday, there weren't as many piranhas. "There's no way they could reproduce that fast." I mumbled. "Yeah, and they were so crammed in there and the water was so murky that I didn't know how much there was."

I looked at Angie and then to the bucket of piranhas. "The piranhas wouldn't have enough space to eat Ryoma, would they? The fact that they could barely move." I didn't really see any other way Ryoma could've been killed before our eyes rather than in the tank.

I held up the handcuffs that were on Ryoma's wrists. They had scratches all over them, either from a struggle or from the piranhas. "I doubt this was in the warehouse... so it was either Himiko's room or Ryoma's, seeing as he was also the Ultimate Prisoner."

]"Anything on the curtains?" I asked Shuichi, and he shook his head in response.

"What about the ones in the back?" I pointed to the ones that were behind the stage. Kaito left and returned with a ladder. "Will this do?" I held the ladder as Shuichi climbed up. "Oh, the windows open!" He noticed.

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