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Rantaro showed up on screen. "What? When did Rantaro record this?" Himiko asked. 

You looked at a wall in his research lab and at the background of the video. "Um... I think this was before the killing game. See? That's his research lab." Shuichi hummed in agreement. "And we just opened his research lab today."

"Oh, and be sure to keep ---- safe. You'll regret it if you don't"

Keep who safe?

"Shuichi, can you rewind it?" Shuichi rewinded the video message, but it made the same glitchy noise. "Hm.. that's odd. Was the file corrupted?"You wondered.

Himiko shook her head. "Don't mind that! What did all of that mean, Shuichi?"

"Well, he said that he had been in a killing game before and he got the survivor perk. He also mentioned that he had received something at the beginning of the game. And... he seemed to have a very important person in this killing game."

Himiko suggested that we go to Rantaro's room. "Good ide- agh!" You saw a flash of light and then... you saw your friends.

"Oh my gosh, you're finally agreeing to do the Gofer Project?" One asked. You nodded and looked away. "I'm.. not so sure about leaving you all." One of your friends put their hand on your shoulder. "Hey! Don't be so upset over it! You're going to accept it later today, right? Then act like you're our hope, just like how everyone else thinks you are!" One of your friends giggled. "If you have a kid with one of them, be sure to name it after me."

You blinked and came back to reality. "That.. was the last time I saw my friends..." You whispered. "I promised them I'd do my best!" Himiko blurted out. You could feel the determination radiating from her body.

"I will check every nook and cranny of this room for that Survivor Perk!" You nodded and left with Shuichi. You both ran into Tsumugi.

"Guys! I was investigating Kaito's room on the 6th floor, and one of Kiibo's blasts made a room open!" You followed her to Kaito's lab and saw that some sort of passenger area was opened. The moment you stepped inside.. you got the flashback.

You were all in the room, each of us standing in front of our chambers. "Stop fighting!" Kaede said when you began to slightly bicker. "We should just be friends if we're going to spend this long of a time together!" Kokichi spoke up.

"You're gonna say we're friends even if you don't know anything about us and just met us?" You put your hand on his shoulder. "We became friends, right? Why not do the same with everyone else?" Kokichi crossed his arms. "You're different." Rantaro chuckled. "I guess we should just get along for now." You smiled at the green haired boy. "Yeah, we should." It was time to go into a cold sleep. "See you in a minute." Were the last words you said to Kokichi.

"This is where we went into a cold sleep." Tsumugi said, horror evident on her face. "Yeah... and where we first met." Shuichi added. He noticed documents on the table. "Have you looked through these?" Tsumugi nodded.

"But... It says Kaede had a twin sister that was adopted by a relative. And... Junko Enoshima had a twin sister that helped her with the killing game." She dismissed it as a coincidence. "There's one room I want to check out, though. We've never been able to open it, despite finding it so early." Shuichi said.

Ah, that room.

You went to the basement with Tsumugi and saw that Maki was already waiting there.

"Find anything while looking through those blueprints?" You asked. She pulled out a drawing that looked way more detailed than the others. "I thought it was too detailed to be a fake blueprint and went to check Miu's lab." She held up a large vacuum looking machine. "I think this is the prototype. This was meant to suck up bugs."

Shuichi thought for a moment. "Gonta said that he thought he saw small bugs in the courtyard. Maybe that's why Kokichi wanted it."

Himiko arrived and stated that she hadn't found anything in Rantaro's lab. Now that you were all there, you decided to open the door... but something was waiting behind it.

"There you are! You thought you could do whatever you want, huh? Well, if you do, Father will get mad." You rolled your eyes. "Kiibo?"

He kicked the exisal, immobilizing it. "Thank you." Kiibo blasted the door open, and you walked in, led by Maki.

Once you walked in, you heard an unsettling voice.

"Upupupupuh, looks like you found it!" Shuichi pulled off the curtain at the front of the room to reveal the source of Monokuma's power. It claimed to be the "Mother" of all the Monokumas.

You ignored it for now and picked up the bloody Monopad that was sitting nearby. You were careful not to touch the blood and motioned for everyone to come over.

"It's Rantaro's survivor perk," You said.

It had a map of the whole school, which is how he knew about the secret door. "Who's blood is this?" Shuichi asked. "We'll need the pictures from Rantaro's-" "That won't be necessary."

You were silent for a moment and thought back to all the pictures taken from the first investigation. "This is Rantaro's blood. He was holding a Monopad when he died, which I assume was taken- um, never mind. Kokichi pointed that out, but it was quickly dismissed."

Shuichi's eyes slightly widened. "W-Wow.. I didn't think anyone would remember that." You put down the Monopad. "It was one of my best friend's cases. I'd never forget anything like that."

Shuichi walked over to the garbage can in the corner of the room and opened it. "Oh!" He pulled out a shot put ball. You walked over to it and picked up a small fibre from pink fabric. "Hm."

You put it in the palm of Shuichi's hand. "It's almost dawn, we should go."

Shuichi tilted his head. "Why did they... suddenly change moods?" Shuichi and Tsumugi followed you out, and you quickly pulled them aside as Kiibo blasted at the door, blocking the door with debris.

Your eyes widened, but went back to their normal size. "Himiko!" Tsumugi yelled. Kiibo couldn't destroy the debris without hurting Himiko. Shuichi assured that Himiko was probably fine, and to get her out, they needed to investigate.

"Alright, but I recommend you investigate the classroom on the second floor. I saw something odd in there while fighting the exisal." Kiibo suggested.

You all ran upstairs, but you didn't enter the classroom. "I... need to investigate something else, first." Shuichi nodded and went with Tsumugi into the classroom.

You discreetly went outside and saw Monokuma standing there. "Monokuma..." He turned around. "I need to ask you something..."






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