A Loss to the World

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"Miu!" I shook her by the shoulders as her hands fell. "No, please! Tell me this is a joke!"

Tears fell from my eyes as a metal hand rested on my shoulder. Robots can't cry... but I definitely knew he was shattered. I heard the body discovery announcement, but it was right behind me. I turned around to see the disgusting bear that brought all this upon us.

"I never thought I would do it live. That felt nice!" Monokuma said. I swear, I wanted to punch him in his sorry, artificial nose. I heard footsteps slowly growing louder from the hallway, and remembered. "Kaito!" I opened the door to see him, out of breath and panting. "What's this all about? What was the body announcement?" I gently opened his mouth and saw blood staining his teeth. I sighed and pulled him inside.

"Where were you this whole time, Kaito?" Kokichi asked. "What were you doing?" I looked at Kaito, worried. "I-I was just taking a nap." He lied.

I whispered in his ear. "You know they're going to find out eventually, right?" He nodded. He explained that he was suddenly logged out and didn't know if he was okay to go back in and went to take a nap.

"So... like losing connection?" I asked. He nodded. What made him do that? The only way to log out is through the telephone in the salon, and he never went as far as I'm concerned.

"Kaito, if you're going to lie, at least do it properly!" Kokichi yelled. "Now now, we don't know if Kaito really did it." I said as Shuichi nodded. "We should start the investigation."

Monokuma handed us the Monokuma File. I looked down at Monotaro, who was crying because his "mommy" was now dead. Kokichi seemed to be in... high spirits. "You guys hated her! Not as much as you hate me, but still!" I looked at Kiibo, who looked broken. "She may have been brash and loud, but she wasn't a bad person! She performed maintenance on me! I know... I know..." I could tell he wanted to cry but he couldn't.

I walked up to Kiibo and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, we won't let her die in vain." I lifted Kiibo's chin. "Remember, Miu never gave up on anything, so you can't either." He smiled and nodded. I pulled out the Monokuma File:

Approximate time of death, 6:30am. There are no external wounds on the body.

"Thirty minutes ago? We were in the virtual world, though." I said. I looked at the picture of the body in the Monokuma File. Her hands were near her neck... was she gasping for air? Her eyes are wide open, in panic. I looked at Shuichi.

We always partnered up in investigations, and this one was no different. However, Kokichi said that Shuichi and Kaito shouldn't team up because Kaito is the prime suspect.

There was no cause of death in the Monokuma File, so I assume that part we have to figure out. She had tears running down her face, and her mouth was wide open. I turned to Kiibo.

"You were the first to log out. What did her body look like?" Kiibo looked down. "W-well, she was still wearing the helmet and her body was contoured into this awful position."

"Is that a confession?" Kokichi asked. I shook my head. "It seems like she was gasping for air. You can't run out of air in the span of 5 to 6 seconds. That was when I logged out."

I walked back to Miu's body and looked inside her open mouth. It seems like nothing was shoved down her throat, so we can't look for anything only one specific person had.

"Tsumugi, you and Shuichi were already in the entrance hall when I ran in. Why exactly were you there?" I looked at Tsumugi. "Well, I thought I saw Miu in the window, so I went to tell Shuichi. Then, we heard a bang sound and went out to the entrance hall. That's where we heard Kiibo's voice."

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