The Old Hope's Peak

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Makoto asked, unsure. Maki and Tenko stood back to back in the training grounds, surrounded by 10 dummies. "Yep. Turn it on." Makoto sighed ad nodded to Togami, who pressed a button, powering up the dummies.

Maki took out the knife you made for her and ran forward. She threw the knife and pinned one of the dummies to the wall by the shirt, as Tenko ran in the opposite direction behind her. "HIYA!" Tenko grabbed one of the dummie's arms and slammed it to the ground, making it power down.

Maki had 5 throwing knives on her belt, using all 5 to pin different dummies tot he wall, then chopping at their neck to make them power down.  Tenko already had 5 powered down dummies on the ground around her. 

"Wow..." Togami pressed another button, making the dummies power up and back into their positions. "I think they're ready, Makoto. They can go with Akane and Nekomaru tomorrow. There's another trial training later, so if you can, I encourage you to notify your friends." Makoto nodded and clapped as Tenko and Maki went back to the room.

"How was it, Maki Roll?" Kaito asked as Maki was putting away her knives. "It was fine. We're going on the next mission, which is tomorrow." Kaito grinned and gave Maki a thumbs up. "I knew you could do it!" 

Tenko collapsed onto her bed, and Himiko sat at the end of the bed. "Did you do good, Tenko?" Tenko grinned and nodded, sitting up. "Yep! I'm going on the next mission!" Himiko gave a small smile. "I knew you could... but please be careful." Tenko lied down with a small dust of pink on her cheeks. 

"There's another trial training later if you want." Maki offered as she went under her blanket. "Ooh! Maybe we should go to it!" Kaito looked at the guys, and Rantaro chuckled. "I'd love to, but the last time I went to some meeting for fighting, it didn't end too well for me." 

Kokichi sat up. "I can go!" Ryoma pulled his hat down. "I feel obligated to go, so I will." His eyes travelled to the Kubz Pad leaning on his bed. Kaito pumped his fist. "Alright! Shuichi, what about you?"

Shuichi shook his head slowly. "Kyoko invited me to monitor things over here." Kaito gave a disappointed face for a moment, before going back to his positive self. "That's fine. We need some help from the inside, too!"

While Kaito, Kokichi, and Ryoma went to training, Kyoko came into the room. "Rantaro, can you and maybe one other person come with me, please?" Rantaro nodded and asked Kiyo to come with him. 

"What's up, Kyoko?" Kyoko looked back at the green haired boy as she went into a room, closing the door once they were all inside. "I was digging through some old newspapers Toko and Komaru found while they were out, and I needed to ask you something." She pulled out a newspaper from a box in the corner of the room, and held it up in front of Rantaro.

"Is this you?"

Rantaro's eyes widened as he saw the headline and the photo. It was him, about 12 years old, on a stretcher with an oxygen mask. The headline read, "Elementary School Catches on Fire" and the subtitle read, "Young Boy Found Trapped in First Floor Classroom."

Rantaro stumbled back as he felt a sharp pain in his head. "Rantaro?" Kiyo walked closer to Rantaro and held him by the shoulders. "Rantaro, calm down." Rantaro took deep breaths and got closer to Kiyo.

Kyoko stood there and pulled out her notebook to write something down. "You may go." Rantaro was still trembling as he walked, making the journey back to the room much slower. Kiyo sighed and went in front of Rantaro. "Rantaro."

Strangely enough, Rantaro got the message and wrapped his arms around Kiyo's neck, then jumped. "Are... you sure?" Kiyo sighed as he walked forwards. "I can still feel your heart pounding on my back. It is truly alright."

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