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"So... this is happening more frequently?" Chiaki asked. You nodded just as you bumped into a wall. "UGH! This is so annoying!"

Chiaki watched as you stormed off, bumped into a door, yelled at it, then opened it. "One day someone's going to catch them doing that and pee themselves." You went to the dining room and saw a plate of cookies on the table. "Is it weird that I'm hungry?"

Chiaki peeked through the crack of the door and turned around. "How are they...?" She flew to the end wall, where some people were investigating. Chiaki flew up to a cart where random things were and found a book with weird markings on it. It looked a bit like stone. 

"Hey Kyoko!" Mahiru picked up the book. "Do you know what this is?" Kyoko walked up next to her. "It looks like one of those books used in movies to summon spirits." Mahiru nodded and took a picture of it, then placing it back in the cart.

"Hm..." Chiaki stared at the book and it hit her. One of the games she used to play had these. A necronomicon, that's what it was called. But when she used it...

"Y/N!" She zoomed into the dining room to find you eating one of the cookies. "Hey Chiaki. What's up?" She landed on the ground. "How did you die?" You sighed and put down the cookie, making it go back to a full one. "I guess the cat's outta the bag, huh?"

"I didn't die in the killing game. At least, I didn't get killed or executed. I just made those who were killed and executed come back. Although... I technically didn't kill myself. I got help."  You traced you finger under your right eye. "But they don't need to know that."

You took the cookie and held it in your mouth. "Cmm nn!" You bumped into the door, making the cookie fall out of your mouth. You caught it but made an irritated groan. "If this is how I'm gonna face the afterlife, I don't want it!" 

Chiaki looked at the cookie you were holding. "Hey.. you were actually eating that, right?" You looked back at her. "Uh... yeah? There's more on the table." She walked up to the table, and while looking at you dead in the eye, she tried grabbing a cookie only for her hand to slip through the table. "What...?"




"Alright." Makoto faced Maki, Kokichi, Kaito, and Ryoma. "This is your first time going without someone with experience, so I advise you to be careful. Understand?" They all nodded and were dismissed.

"Wow, didn't you sound professional." Byakuya leaned on Makoto's desk. "Are you certain this is a good idea?" Makoto nodded. "If anything were to happen, we can just send out more people to help out." Byakuya nodded and sipped some tea out of his cup.

"Alright, no fooling around." Maki ordered as they were about to get to their destination. "And Kokichi, you annoy me, even just a little bit, I'm assassinating you." Kokichi nodded and waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah yeah."

The helicopter landed on a roof and they all scattered around. "Kaito and I will take the people over there, Kokichi and Ryoma will take the exisals." They all nodded and ran off. Kokichi took an electrohammer Miu gave him and threw it, making it bounce of two exisals before running out of battery.

You and Chiaki were on a roof, watching the scene proceed below. Then, your ear twitched and you looked in the distance. "Chiaki... can you hear that?" She listened carefully. "It sounds like something powering up." Your eyes widened and you flew - no zoomed in that direction. 

"Are these... all headed for them?" You and Chiaki stared down at the 20 exisals, all powering up and beginning to walk. You looked where the others were and your heart skipped a beat. "Chiaki... where was that cloak again?"

"We're done over here." Kaito said, walking over to Kokichi and Ryoma with Maki behind him. "Yeah, we're done here, too." Kokichi pointed to the 3 disabled exisals, just as Maki lifted a finger. "Sh! Do you hear that?" 

They all turned to the noise to see... way too many exisals heading their way. "Um... be honest, who can take those things?" Kokichi asked. It was silent as they all continued to stare at the advancing exisals.

One reached out for Kokichi, but before it did...

"What the-"

An arrow was shot at the exisal's arm, making the hand fall off. They all looked at where the arrow came from and saw someone in a cloak, holding a bow that already had another arrow. The person jumped down, but before they hit the ground, they disappeared and reappeared right above the exisal, but with a throwing knife.

They threw it, making the exisal glitch and fall to the ground. Then they disappeared again. They reappeared behind five exisals, but with a sword, and sliced the exisals' legs, making them fall to the ground.

One exisal grabbed them by the right leg, while another grabbed them by the arm. "Oh no you don't!" Ryoma threw up a tennis ball, this time made of metal, and hit it right at the exisal grabbing the person's arms. The person was now hanging upside down, but then they disappeared and reappeared behind the exisal that was holding them and slashed the exisal with their sword.

"Oi!" They all looked at the person, who refused to face them. "Go back to your headquarters. Tell them that the exisals they are fighting now aren't as strong as the ones in the end wall." All of them were still. "Go!" Kaito and Maki nodded, motioning for the rest to follow.

"Kokichi, come on!" Kokichi still peaked around the corner of the building, watching the mysterious person. "I-I'll catch up." He continued to watch as everyone left, and the person stared down the exisals.

"You know..." They twirled their sword and then their right hand gripped their hood. "You always did piss me off." They took off their hood and Kokichi's eyes widened.


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