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"Y/N, could you please explain this mastermind you speak of?" Kirumi asked. I explained to them everything, with Kaede and Shuichi backing up everything I said. "So you tricked me into making those cameras for you?" Miu asked. I nodded. "But why would he keep something so important a secret from us?" I looked at Kaito.

"Well, once we knew there was a mastermind, we'd start fighting, would we not?" A flash of guilt came across everyone's faces.

"We should check the photos then! The case will be solved! But that's so boring!" Kokichi seemed like he was contradicting himself in that statement...

Shuichi went to get the cameras. "We just need to develop the photos." Kirumi offered to do it, but the pink Monokub came and said that she would. "She said she would follow the rules, so let's hope that she doesn't destroy the evidence." K1-B0 hoped.

I looked at Kaede. "Are you okay?" She chuckled. "I thought this would all be over if we exposed the mastermind... but it just led to a bigger mess." It will be... but she's given up so easily... why? "That's not like her." I mumbled. "Everyone go into groups! Nobody is allowed to investigate alone, otherwise they may destroy evidence."

Kaito raised his hand. "I have a suggestion." He pointed to me and Shuichi. "You two are both the smartest and one of the most trustworthy, you will investigate the body. The rest of us will look for other evidence." Me and Shuichi looked at Kaede, then nodded.

Ryoma looked up at the bookcase where the security sensor should be. "So it's up there right? The security sensor." Shuichi nodded. "I'll go up and get it." He went up and came back down with the security sensor. "It didn't go off?" Ryoma questioned. "Oh, no we have the ability to turn it off." I held up the receiver.

He nodded and looked through the bookshelves. I heard a noise coming from above and saw a drone. "Oh, Miu, did you make that?" I marveled as Miu fiddled with the controller in her hands. "Yeah, it can help us find evidence with that aerial camera it has!" She brought it in front of me. "Wow! Amazing Miu!" She smiled a bit and brought it back into the air.

I looked at Tsumugi, who didn't really seem to be investigating. Odd.

I thought to myself. The whole reason there was a time limit in the first place was so someone would take advantage of the First Blood Perk. But "when it came time to step up, they didn't. They could have graduated."

"Exactly my thoughts, Y/N." Oh, I had been talking out loud. "Yeah... even if the person killed simply to protect us, don't you think they would still take advantage of the perk?" I looked at the bookcase leading to the black and white door. "Unless... they just killed to have the game continue?" Kirumi looked at me. "I mean, think about it. When we came in, the bookcase was closing, meaning the mastermind had been here." I chuckled. "Of course, it's just a theory."

Kirumi smiled. "You seem to be very experienced in this topic, Y/N." I explained that I was supposed to be the Ultimate Analyst but because of my people skills, it was changed to Ultimate Psychologist. "I have actually worked in the investigating department before. Even psychologists work on cases at times."

I looked to my left and saw Shuichi and Kaede talking to Ryoma. As they did that, I walked up to the moving bookcase and opened it. "Hm... I wonder how it closed." I said as I examined the card insert. It hadn't been used, seeing as the dust was still there. Strange. I let go of the bookcase and it closed. "Ah, so it's self closing."

I looked at Rantaro. "No way he opened the bookcase and walked all the way over there. Human peripheral vision shows that he wouldn't be able to see over there, or at least notice anything odd. Besides, why would he walk away from a hidden door?"

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