The Truth

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"Exisals, take Y/N to their bedroom." One of the exisals lifted me up. "Y/N!" Shuichi and Maki yelled. "Wait, stand back! You might get hurt!" Maki and Shuichi stepped back.

I was carried to the dormitories and dropped on the floor. "Ow! Hey!" The exisal left the building and stayed by the door. "Dang it, Kokichi!"

I sat on the floor and Kokichi walked in. "Why are you on the floor?" He lifted me up. "Is Kaito okay?" He nodded. "Yeah, he's just unconscious right now."

I nodded and hugged Kokichi. "Come on, Y/N." He playfully whined. I backed off and he gave me a paper, leaving the dormitories. As I was about to go to my room, everyone walked in, despair evident on their faces. I sighed and went to my bedroom.

When I woke up the next morning, I immediately went to Shuichi's room. I went to his room and knocked at the door. "Oh, Y/N." I turned around and saw Maki. "Hey, Maki! Are you visiting Shuichi, too?" She nodded and knocked on the door again. Shuichi opened the door... and he was a mess. "Oh my goodness... who resurrected you?"

His hair was messy, he was pale, and there were bags under his eyes. "Go take a shower or something. Something to help your face." Maki told him. He nodded and Maki left. "Meet me in the dining hall." We both nodded and Shuichi went to the washroom to take a shower.

Once I arrived in the dining hall, I saw everyone's lifeless eyes, each owner of the pair wanting to die. "So... Maki... what did you wanna talk about?" She pulled out a Flashback Light. "It was sitting on the dining table."

No one was as excited as they usually were about the Flashback Light.

"Kokichi probably put it there." Himiko sighed. "We should just see it, so we don't have any regrets." I smiled and everyone agreed to see what the Flashback Light had to give us.

Hope's Peak Academy. The school that nurtured talented students like us. The event that tore that school apart... eventually tore up the rest of the world. It caused tragedy to the whole world. And it was caused... by one high school girl. She used whatever means necessary to spread despair across the globe. The killing game of the 78th class in Hopes Peak Academy was the same way. However, after Junk Ennoshima died, the world began to slowly recover. But the Remnants of Despair weren't done, and carried on Junko Ennoshima's legacy. The Future Foundation attempted to fight back. The war between hope and despair was growing to be extreme. Then, that's when the end of the world began. Makoto Naegi, the leader of the Future Foundation, created the Gofer Project. 17 students were selected, no, we were the only ones left. The virus from the meteorites spread rapidly, killing off humanity with one final blow. Hope almost prevailed, but despair took over.

I stumbled back. "W-we were the symbols of hope!" We seemed to all get the life in our eyes. We planned on going to the exisal hangar the next day, when the Electrohammers were recharged. Although, I was a bit worried. I know that Kokichi isn't the mastermind, but since he's claimed to be, I doubt the mastermind will reveal themselves.... unless we corner them psychologically.

As I was reading in my room, I remembered that Kaito was still with Kokichi. "I wonder if he's awake." I asked myself. I closed my book and walked out of my room, and that's where I saw Shuichi in the hallway. "O-Oh, hey Y/N." He greeted. I looked him up and down, and shifted my weight to one leg. "You're going to check on Kaito, aren't you?"

He scratched the back of his head. "U-uh... yeah." I straightened up and went down the stairs. "Well, I'm not gonna stop you, but I assume that you should hurry up." I stopped and turned my head to look at Shuichi. He smiled and followed me to the exisal hangar.

While taking all the twists and turns of the maze before getting to the exisal hangar, I put my arm in front of Shuichi and my finger over my lip. I listened carefully.

"I hear the exisals moving." I whispered. I held his hand and followed the sound. We found a clearing in the maze, and saw the exisals. "What is in the middle?" Shuichi asked. I squinted. "It looks like... Monokuma?" Shuichi and I looked at each other. Why would 4 out of 5 exisals be guarding Monokuma instead of the hangar?

We paid no mind to it as we turned around and ran to the exisal hangar. "If there are 4 exisals are there, then the hangar shouldn't be heavily guarded." Shuichi told me. We found the door with the electric barrier.

"The alarm system and barrier are up." I muttered. I looked at Shuichi. "Was there any room that had a window?"

He thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, the bathroom!" Odd place to have a window, but alright. We went around and found an opening in the wall. "That must be it." Shuichi looked through the window, and I heard a familiar voice. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Are you locked in the bathroom?" I asked. Kaito nodded and looked at the door. "The last I heard Kokichi talk, he was standing right by the door, and I don't know if he left yet. Shuichi explained the situation.

"We're not here to save you just yet. We're just scouting the place. The rest of us are coming, too. It was Maki and Y/N's idea." Kaito and Shuichi looked at me.

I scratched the back of my head. "K-Kaito, both Maki and I know that you would never give up, so... your sidekicks can't either." Kaito smiled. "Well, of course! I would never give up, and you guys shouldn't either. But, even though I'm glad you guys are saving me, be safe, okay?"

We both nodded.

"And also, both of you may think you need to carry the burden, but you don't. You're both smart, but everyone around you can help you out. But you also have to support everyone else." I smiled. "Of course."

Shuichi and I were about to leave when I remembered why I came here. "You go on ahead." I told him. "I just need to check something." He nodded and went back to his room. I went back to the exisal hangar and pulled out the paper Kokichi gave me. I went over to the control panel and typed in the password.

The electric barrier went down and the alarm system was disabled. "I guess he knows I'm here."

The shutter lifted up and Kokichi was waiting there. "Hey, Y/N." He invited me into the exisal hangar and I saw that the hydraulic press was up. "You're not planning on killing him, are you?" Kokichi shook his head. "That's for something else." I looked at the washroom. "Can he see us from over there?" Kokichi shook his head but pulled me to the side just in case.

"Why do you have to pretend to be the mastermind in this plan of yours?" I asked, concern evident on my face. Kokichi turned my face by my chin and made me look at him. "I promised you that you guys would get out of here. Just trust me." He kissed my nose, making me blush. "Did you take me to the side just to kiss me?" I joked.

"Maybe I did." Kokichi got closer and closer to my face, the space between our lips getting smaller and smaller. Slowly, our lips connected. My eyes widened as Kokichi pushed me against the wall. He moved back and smiled. "That's just in case I never see you again." I caressed his cheek. "Don't say that..." He smirked and looked at the time. "You should go." I nodded as he moved back so I could leave.

"Wait, Y/N!" He ran up to me and pushed me to the ground. "H-Hey, what are you-?" He kissed my knees and smiled. "Childhood injuries can be healed with a kiss too, you know?"

I chuckled and pressed my finger on his forehead, saying, "Whatever you say, Supreme Leader." I got up and left, slowly as I stared at the crooked path my feet walked in.

As I lay in bed that night, I thought about Kokichi. What exactly would he be using the hydraulic press for? I slowly dozed off, ready for tomorrow. Kokichi... you better know what you're doing.

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