I found.............

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Jackson's POV

I stared at the women who whisperd my name. She looked familiar in so many ways, but i don't think I've seen her before.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I asked her. I could see the tears wet in his eyes.

"You don't remember me?" She asked me with her voice scratchy because she was about to cry.

"Elsa, he was only a baby when he was taken." The ginger one told her. She nodded and looked at me. I know her from somewhere. I know her eyes, I know her voice and I know her face, but who is she?

Elsa's POV

This is the second time that someone I love has forgotten me. The second time my heart has been ripped from my chest. I knew he wouldn't remember me. He was only a child when he was taken from me.

"You're right Anna," I looked at Jackson one more time, "happy birthday Jackson." I told him. He stared at me in shock. I couldn't help myself but hug him, "have a good life."

Before I could go, he grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"Who are you?" He asked looking into my eyes once again.

"Who did you think thayt couple in your pendant would be?" I asked smiling sadly, "it's been 15 years. You won't remember me, but I remember you. Blue eyes, white hair, snow powers. I could never forget my son" I said.

I hugged him again and slipped him a peace of paparr with mine and Jack's address. He will remember soon. The pendant will show him his memories. He will remember me eventually. Somehow, sometime, he will come back to us.

????'s POV

I felt sorry for Elsa. Her son does not know her, she never got to know her son and I helped with that. I can help.

I saw him coming back into the house with his head hung low and his hand ruffling his hair, just like his dad.

"Jackson!" I called. He looked my way and came towards me.

"What's up Uncle?" He asked giving me a fake smile.

"Something's wrong bud." I looked at him patting his shoulder.

He sighed and looked at me

He had a pained expression on his face as he tried to speak.

"I think I found my mother."

Jack's POV

Elsa came rushing home, tears in her eyes. She junped into my arms and cried into my shoulders.

"Elsa....... Elsa. What's wrong?" I asked her holding her chin up.

"Jack........ I think I found him." She said holding onto me even tighter.

"Found who?" I asked my heart beating fast hoping she would say what I wanted her to say.

Her lips curved into a smile and her breathing wad short.

"I found our boy. I found Jackson."

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